Question about hotel Albatros Jungle Aqua Park Resort 4*

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Good evening. Podskajite.Where can I see the cost of living in this hotel?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2009-11-0915 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Fidjulik
Approximately 2000 rubles per day. This is for an adult, one.
аватар genieko
Good evening. The cost is about $ 40 per day for one in a double room, a single will cost more. Ready tour to this hotel will cost $ 1,300
аватар HotLine
Albatrosses are exclusive hotels of TEZTUR.
Therefore, on the TEZTUR website.
If you are from Ukraine, then go to
аватар zlena10
not necessarily teztour, we went from intaer, where prices are cheaper than teztour!
аватар HotLine
The original source is still TEZTUR, I think. But this is not essential.
Price and reliability matter.
A tour from Moscow for two people, with a departure on November 28 for a week, costs 1204 dollars for TEZTUR, and 1357 dollars for Intaer.
And TEZTUR will be more solid. The largest operator in Turkey and Egypt in the CIS.
аватар sudya.70
We bought a tour from Troika, this is a virtual "daughter" of the Tez tour. Prices are cheaper, and you go from Teza. There will be no confirmation from Intyer, but Teza has a hotel in instant confirmation.
аватар Natali_04
per week for three adults 62 thousand rubles
(Albotros jungle park 4*)
аватар Samara79
Are there any offers for the 2010 season for this hotel. I am ready to pay in advance for a tour for 10 days in April 2010 (if the price is real) for 1 adult + 1 child (4 years).
аватар zlena10
Why take so long to buy? after all, it can be connected with health and with the weather and with the political situation?
аватар Natali_04
it will probably be cheaper
the hotel will cost a lot in half a year
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