Question about hotel Albatros Jungle Aqua Park Resort 4*

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are the pools heated in winter?
Hello! We want to go to Egypt in February! I'm cold, the main thing for me is that the water in the pool is warm)
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9 subscribers  • asked 2012-11-0612 years ago
Answers  •  22
аватар slidi
in the description it is written that only 1 warms up. is it so? water park not heated?
аватар Caravan737
We were in March - only the children's pools with the water park were heated.
аватар ASSAI
Good afternoon! Heated 1 child and 1 adult
аватар konstanchij
the pools near the houses are cold! And which near the restaurants (where water volleyball) is heated there .. the children's mini-water park behind the restaurants is necessarily heated, and the main water park is all heated, even the river was warm ... okay ... don't worry !!! it’s still considered winter for them ... but it can’t be compared with anything - when at this time you step out of an airplane into summer !!!
аватар slidi
Thank you! I have already decided on the hotel, but I can’t find it anywhere for sale. Which tour operator buys tickets to this hotel?
аватар ASSAI
although apparently the Ukrainian travel agency will not help you))
see ez tour
аватар gasik
heated only for children and that's it
аватар gasik
were also in early March. one is heated for children.
аватар AdelinaR
Tez Tour definitely has it. Were in February 2010 the entire aqua park + central pool is heated
аватар tigra70
Biblio Globus sells much cheaper than Teza.
аватар AdelinaR
Biblio Globus has Albatrosses, but there is no Jungle! I booked in early October for December and also looked through all the tour operators, I found Jungle only in Teza, 5 min. ago I went to the official website of Biblio Globus - there is no Jungle there. So Tez Tour.
аватар AdelinaR
Someone wrote that in the Biblio Globus is MUCH cheaper (of course, I don’t care, I don’t advertise anyone), but where does such an unfounded infa come from, here’s a tiger70 operational information: I took a hotel 1000 and 1 night (one of the hotels of the Albatros chain, located next to Jungle) for example for 2 adults, departure on December 1 for 7 days from Yekaterinburg (I myself fly from Yekaterinburg for 7 days, I fly out on 01.12, so I compared this date and this flight for example) In Tez Tour $ 1422; in Biblio Globe the same, even the flight is the same - $ 1522. If you start comparing other cities, for some reason it seems to me that the picture will be about the same.
аватар tigra70
We bought a tour on November 3 from 8.01 for 10 nights, 2 adults and a child for 585oo from B.G. in Moscow, Tez counted 78,000, for me 20,000 is decent money, so it's MUCH cheaper.
аватар AdelinaR
Throw a link where to watch gado. I couldn't find it on the official site! I just looked again, well, I don’t see Jungle with them!
аватар tigra70
I don’t know how to throw links ... I go to the official website, on the right window: search for a tour:, I fill in the necessary parameters, I get the cost. And I tried a flight from Yekaterinburg, maybe you watch it in 5?
аватар buka1234
I trust Tezu more, and the prices are about the same...
аватар buka1234{ %22priceMin%22%3A0%2C%22priceMax%22%3A4500000%2C%22currency%22%3A%228390%22 %2C%22nightsMin%22 %3A9%2C%22nightsMax%22%3A14%2C%22hotelClassId%22%3A2568%2C%22accommodationI d%22%3A2%2C%22rAndBId%22%3A15350%2C%22locale%22%3A%22ru%22%2C%22cityId %22%3A345%2C%22countryId%22%3A%225732%22%2C%22after%22%3A%2230.12.2012%22%2C%22before%22%3A%2231.12.2012%22%2C%22tourId%22 %3A[[26313]%2C[14355]%2C[111466]%2C[9001254]%2C[14353]%2C[14354]%2C[54766]% 2C[5734]%2C[5735]%2C[14351 ]]%2C%22hotelClassBetter%22%3Atrue%2C%22rAndBBetter%22%3Atrue%2C%22hotelId% 22%3A[135904]%2C%22hotelInStop%22%3Afalse%2C%22specialInStop%22%3Afalse%2C% 22noTicketsTo% 22%3Afalse%2C%22noTicketsFrom%22%3Afalse%2C%22tourType%22%3A%221%22%2C%22ve rsion%22%3A2}
аватар dimdimysh
Adelina, and you are a wild TC at Teza, did you forget to add to the cost of the tour?
аватар AdelinaR
As they say in our service "I'm sorry I'll be corrected" :), I apologize for Jang, it's just that he is not called Albatros Jung Aqua Park in the list of hotels in this TO, but simply Jung Aqua Park. But on the other hand, in a dispute, truth is born, I will know for the future. In general, I booked Jang through Tez Tour at the beginning of October 1 or 2, just he was still on early booking 1 adult + 1 child 7 n. took for 41,000 rubles. And in mid-October, after the end of early booking, my ticket began to cost about 55,000 rubles. +/- 500 rub.
аватар yulia29
Try to consider Troika, this is a subsidiary of Tez Tour, and prices are cheaper. Tez will meet, the hotel guide is also general, in general, everything is like if you take a ticket to the Tez tour, only cheaper
аватар klutova
I went to this hotel from the thesis, the second from the troika, the third from the biblio-globe .. the cheapest from the globe, for 19 thousand rubles ..
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