Question about hotel Albatros Jungle Aqua Park Resort 4*

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Due to the late departures of charters from Hurghada, how much does it cost at the hotel to extend the room until the evening?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2011-07-1514 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар sigur62
Usually from half to full room rate per night. You will find out the cost directly in the room, the price will be in the nightstand or on the wall. Do not rush to extend immediately, it is not a fact that you will have a late departure, very often the departure is postponed and it is to an earlier time.
аватар tigra70
We didn’t notice the prices, we asked the guide - $ 60 until 18-00 to extend. You need to renew the night before and most likely by this time you will know exactly when the departure. But if there are no free rooms, they can refuse and the guide will tell you what to do about it case.
аватар shumera
contact the reception in advance, they can extend it for free, but this is not always and not everywhere ..
аватар taniaPTZ
We also have a departure at 20:50, but what time should the room be vacated? after all, we paid about this day, because and our arrival is in the evening.
аватар shumera
those who gave me minus ratings are right - in this hotel it is unlikely to renew for free, they can renew in hotels of a different category ..
when you arrive in the evening, you still leave the room for the whole day. Release the room before 12.
аватар Igorchikago
In our hotel (Shedwan) this pleasure cost $ 30, but in each hotel you can agree for free (from my own experience and more than once).
аватар tigra70
How can you negotiate for free if everything is done at the reception and they give a receipt for payment for the extension of the room?
аватар sigur62
Yes, of course you can't. The minimum amount is half the daily room rate.
If you check out during the day, there is no need to pay for an extension, you can stay at the seaside and have lunch, and if the check-out is very late, you need to extend it without options, you won’t talk so much on the beach or in the lobby, then you will reproach yourself for the fact that the saved bucks turned into wild fatigue and nullified the whole rest.
аватар Caravan737
It costs 40 euros from 12 to 18.
Our flight was at 22:00.
In the morning I sent the kids to the water park, at 12 I passed the room, the suitcases were taken to the reception, before the slides were turned off, they bought dinner and a bus.
There was no special need for the room.
аватар ljpyfdfntkmjkz
We also flew out in the evening and the problem of renewing the number arose. Must be released at 12 noon. At the reception they offered to pick up things in a special. room and then use the backup number they have somewhere at the water park. There you could wash and change clothes, and for free. True, we found out just in case, we did not have to use this number. We met many Russians. We handed over the room at 12 o'clock, and the necessary things were transferred to friends in the room, and washed there before leaving. The bracelets are not removed, that is, you continue to use restaurants and bars. The only thing left was beach towels, although the cards for which they are issued must be returned at 12 noon. We left a passport as a pledge of these cards at the reception, money can be. There were no problems. By the way, take some plastic card with you to leave it in the room in your absence - so that the air conditioner does not turn off. Although you can use the usual dense calendar - they constantly left it and the air conditioner worked.
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