Question about hotel Albatros Jungle Aqua Park Resort 4*

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Bath-toilet issue. Tell me what is supposed to be and what is (shampoos, gels, m
Bath-toilet issue.
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11 subscribers  • asked 2010-10-2514 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар astalavista
only shower gel... well, all sorts of hats, sponges, sewing kit...
аватар irena78
With toiletries there is not very, scant. From what you can use, liquid soap and a shower cap, the rest is better to take with you. Yes, there is also a sewing kit, you can sew on a button.
аватар luchikk
We also took everything with us.
аватар Stepanovna
Thanks EVERYONE!!!
do you have paper? Or also with you?
аватар AdelinaR
If you are talking about toilet paper, then of course there is !!!! You can imagine if there were no toilet paper in hotels, then for example, a family of 3 would have to take a small suitcase with only toilet paper :)
аватар Stepanovna
аватар Stepanovna
THANK YOU ALL!!! enlightened
аватар Zlata28
there is paper
аватар malegic
well, paper is the most important thing)))))))) the rest is trifles))))))
аватар luchikk
Well, they just give it in unlimited quantities :)))
аватар tata57
Yes, thank God (there, rather Allah?) with toilet paper in Yegi (and in Turkey) everything and everywhere is in FULL order and prosperity. Relax to your health!;)))
аватар kara11
Shampoos, no gels. Something is poured into the dispenser (as in public toilets), but we never found out what. We ask - shower gel? (since it hangs near the shower). Answer - yes. We ask - liquid soap? (the same color and smell hangs near the washbasin). Answer - yes. So decide for yourself what was there.
аватар Orfeliya
near the washbasin there is: a sewing kit, some kind of washcloth ..... and a type dispenser with liquid soap.
I'm in the shower, also a type dispenser in the shower gel.
Toilet paper ... enough for everyone and for a long time. One roll in the right place and + two spare ones, in case of emergency, apparently.
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