I do not recommend

Written: 30 november 2019
Travel time: 25 november — 2 december 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 4.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 4.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 3.0
Chose this hotel based on reviews. But unfortunately the hotel was wrong. Let's start with accommodation. We arrived early in the morning, around 6 am. For earlier settlement they demanded 40 dollars, although there are many free rooms. Or you had to wait until 2 pm at the reception. I'll tell you the numbers immediately in the killed state. Everything is old and needs to be replaced. The cleanliness of the room is also terrible. Cleaned every day, but no use.
The territory of the hotel is of course large and there is where to walk. If you like looking at the ruins. The only plus is the sea, it's cool here. There are also corals with fish, take a mask with you, and a good sandy entry. There is a water park on site, but it turned out to be paid, $ 5 per person. So check with your tour operator. As we were told on the voucher should be indicated Aqua Park.
The food here is not very good. The food is almost always monotonous and not for everyone. If you go like we are with a child, everything is spicy and the child was hungry. Bars are always empty. You have to ask for everything. At the bar by the sea, it's generally terrible! Unsanitary conditions, except for the so-called "hamburgers" you can call them that, there is nothing, there is never alcohol either. And the same goes for other bars. They always have one answer "END" even though the bar just opened.

Service is terrible too. We are from Ukraine, and all Ukrainians are branded with white bracelets. In the hotel he introduced me to many, and everyone was just horrified where they got to.
In general, I do not recommend. If you want to throw money away, then yes.
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