Question about hotel Hawaii Riviera Resort & Aqua Park 5*

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What is the bottom?
Do you need slippers to enter the sea?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-07-1115 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар papa74
Quote from the last review:
"Yes, the sea is shallow at first, not yet cleared of coral remnants. It's not true about the steps - they are not slippery at all - they are slippery only in the place where it is forbidden to enter the sea, but some tourists are especially smart and do not look at the prohibition sign ""
аватар papa74
Here you need to decide on the places of entry, and then with slippers.
Personally, I will say that in the fenced passage there are still stones and fragments of corals - slippers will not be superfluous.
But the sea itself in these hotels (it was at the Le Jardine Festival, now Sunrise Le Jardine, the beach is shared) is the worst option where I was in Egypt. I compare it with the Sea of ​​u200bu200bAzov. Neither fish nor corals. (((
my opinion:
аватар HAVE_REST
In order to see corals and fish, you first need to go through shallow water, where the sunset is marked, then swim across a more or less deep place, then there will again be shallow water of 200 meters, but after it - beautiful corals and fish.
аватар papa74
"you need to go through shallow water first" -200m
"then swim across a more or less deep place" -200-250m
"then there will again be shallow water of 200 meters" ...
"but after it -" total 200+250+200=650 meters one way (two 1300 meters)!
Great sea!!!
аватар VLazo
Good afternoon!
If you are not going to swim on a spit, behind which there are corals and fish, but rather like to splash in shallow water, slippers will not be superfluous, because. indeed, the bottom, especially near the shore, is not ideal, but if you swim more away from the shore, it is better to use fins. In general, slippers do not interfere in any way, but only facilitate and protect, so take it just in case, and then evaluate for yourself whether it is necessary or not. Or you can buy it on the spot (I bought it in Hurghada, in Sakala for 5 dollars). The sea is warm, beautiful, especially farther from the coast, salty, so the distance that you might need to swim is not felt, because it is very easy to stay on the water and swim. This is not the Black and not the Sea of ​​u200bu200bAzov - dirty and cold!
аватар Tanushka_Sh
I had slippers and I wore them only once (I went to reconnaissance))))) I didn’t take them with me to the sea anymore.
good rest to you
аватар Mezya
No! Don't!
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