Question about hotel Aladdin Beach Resort 4*

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Check-in at 9 am
According to the norms, check-in to the hotel room takes place from 14-00. We will be in Hurghada at 9, and at 9-30 at the hotel. Will they check in immediately or will we hang out at the reception in the lobby? Our children are 2 and 4 years old.
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8 subscribers  • asked 2009-09-0416 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар Katerina1981
Good afternoon, unfortunately I won’t be able to answer you for sure, but we had a night flight, and when we arrived at the hotel, we were settled without any problems after registration. It was still morning ... I'm sure everything will be fine, adequate people work there))
аватар konyks
If there are free rooms with children, they should be accommodated.
In extreme cases, contact the hotel manager.
аватар Alladin_2009
I'm already nervous .... the rooms are free ...
аватар Pachok
Asking with a smile and $20 helps a lot more than just asking.
аватар Alladin_2009
Did the rates go up during the crisis? I used to read on the forum that these issues were resolved for 10 dollars
аватар Pachok
To be honest, I don't know. The last time we gave 10 dollars was in 2005 :) After that - 20. Maybe they were wrong :)
аватар Alladin_2009
Apparently you were in 5 * (this is 4 * and in combination with 3 * Jasmine). I think we will stop at a smile and 15 dollars. Thanks Pachok.
аватар Chief_87
10 dollars, that's enough))) Do not give more))
аватар Zlata28
1. if at that moment they will already be prepared (removed)
vacant rooms - then they can settle
2. 10-20 dollars is enough
аватар Katerina1981
They scared a person .... we settled in without money at all, as it turned out later in the best rooms .. True, when filling out the card at the reception, my brother indicated the scope of his work "Tourism Manager" Maybe this somehow influenced the actions of the employees of this hotel, I don't know, but the fact remains. By the way, in any case, no one will check this information)
аватар jaku1
The hotel is not bad, the service is good. But east is east. Here, instead of thanks, banknotes are very strongly developed. Therefore, if you put 10 green ones in your documents, they will not be offended, but "thank you" will be taken into account. Although to be honest (I didn’t pay attention), I didn’t see anyone waiting for their number.
Therefore, I recommend orienting yourself on the spot, how
will accept, so act. Do not hesitate, you
came to rest with them.
аватар konyks
You can invent, by the way, I settled in rooms with a sea view, but it was not me who spoke, but my friend Ibrahim, he brought me to the hotel and whispered that I was the director of a travel agency in Ukraine, Russia, etc. It helped, though later the manager wanted to talk to me, I had to hold a meeting without promising anything in particular. ;-)
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