Written: 26 july 2007
Travel time: 26 june — 3 july 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 8.0
Guys, this is a bummer. I never thought that after the Crimean service I would be able to write negative reviews. . . But. In principle, I understand that everyone has their own idea of ​ ​ ​ ​ rest, and how you tune in to rest is how you spend it. But I can't say enough good things about this hotel.
Judge for yourself:
1. Settlement. I read a lot of advice that when you check in you need to give baksheesh. Gave 10$. Two young ladies settled with us, they did not give anything. The result - they settled in one building, they even had a better room. I'm not pretentious, and I decided that this is the best they have. The next day, the young ladies moved to another building (for baksheesh). Conclusion - did they want to take something from me again? (At the same time, I want to say that before I didn’t pay anything extra for settling in both **** and *****. The rooms were no worse). No, guys, the rooms are nothing, just like everywhere else, nothing special stands out. Everything worked fine. The balcony, however, was not locked (they lived on the first floor) with the same success, you can not lock the room. But nothing was stolen, everything is intact. By the way, it's very convenient. While my husband and I played chess until 2-3 in the morning (the only kind word), our child fell into a dead sleep. And my husband and I took turns climbing through the balcony into the room. At the same time, one distracted the guard, and the other climbed. As a result, it turned out that the guard knew about our maneuvers, and once again he asked: slip? (asleep) and gallantly led me to the balcony!

2. Nutrition.
Catastrophe. Guys, take vodka (ours) with you, and in order to avoid diarrhea, take it before meals (God, take it for medicine! ) It’s more difficult with children, here you need to be on the alert and not feed anything puffy and vilifying. Fortunately, my child is a pasta. The whole holiday was eating macaroni and cheese (they are prepared fresh in the hall). And there is a grill every evening near the main restaurant. I advise. Fresh and varied. There are no comrades for the taste and color, so I can’t say that the cuisine is not tasty - I liked something, I didn’t like it, while different people have different opinions about the same dishes. But one thing unites everyone: they got the spices. As my husband said, these spices will soon sprout out of my mouth. In addition, what can be said about a five-star hotel, where for a fruit breakfast there are only quarters of oranges and a salad of melon, apple and oranges. And so, every day... (I just really like to eat fruit for breakfast on vacation. Well, that's how spoiled I am.
By the way, in other hotels I could always satisfy my whim to eat different fruits. Once I ate something terribly tasty to the point of indigestion. I really liked that hotel. In the dessert rose, the guests were carefully taken care of).
4. Animation.
Guys are normal. Only the greed of the owners does not allow them to turn around (old equipment, etc. ). In principle, they try to entertain, but those who want it. If you don't want to, they won't come to you. But the show programs they have are the best only those where vacationers participate. And the pearls themselves are a club dance. Try it, you won't regret it ; ) My husband laughed at me like a horse, and my son liked it.
5. Staff.

There are different ones. there are polite and cheerful guys, there are just boors. My son and I went to Cairo for a day, so my husband organized work to re-educate the staff. I don’t know what happened, but after my arrival, double the number of staff began to smile and greet us.
6. A separate word for drinking.
No, not alcohol, but water. In the dining room, ordinary bottled water is only in glasses. In general, all the water is only in glasses. That is, if you, such rednecks, itch to drink water after midnight, buy a bottle for 10 pounds !! ! (By the way, only Germans are allowed to stock up on bottled water! ). The guys, by the way, make great cocktails on the beach! Try it, no joke. My son learned the phrase: Wan pina colada niht alcohol. The bartender loved it. It took him a long time to guess where we were from.
7. Pools, sea and territory.
Much has been said about this. Here, as it were, there is nothing to comment on. The pools are blue with wet water. People swim in the water. The Red Sea (turquoise-blue), wet, salty. People swim in it too. The territory is large, the paths are concreted, there are lawns, flower beds of palm trees, they are watered at night, there are still buildings in which people live.
Rest 50X50. It's a shame it's not better, but you know it could be worse. Arriving home, and after a while reviewing the photos of this year and past years, you understand that this one was the worst. . .
And draw your own conclusions.
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