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How is it on the nude beach??? who was?
Who was? They say that there is one "such" beach for the whole of Egypt ... I would like to know about the impressions, thank you ...
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
14 subscribers  • asked 2009-09-0316 years ago
Answers  •  37
аватар Pachok
There, on one beach, there are such straw huts, you can sunbathe as you like, they close the side "views", and there is enough sun through the opening from the sea. There were nudes.
аватар Pachok
There, on one beach, there are such straw huts, you can sunbathe as you like, they close the side "views", and there is enough sun through the opening from the sea. There were nudes.
аватар orhideya21
This is not the only nude beach in all of Egypt. In Savita there is a nude beach, to the left of the second building, the most extreme.
аватар pivchik_86
yes you what???))
is there a nude beach? In Savita???
We were on that beach, no one went nude ... apparently, we were unlucky))
аватар orhideya21
We saw just a couple of tourists go there. We were surprised that there was interest in sunbathing so far from the entrance to the sea and the beach bar. This back street is located to the left of the guard's booth, recessed down and hidden in the rock. As the guard explained to us, this is a top-less beach. We didn’t see nude there ourselves, because we didn’t go there and found out about the purpose of the beach on the last day of rest.
аватар Pachok
heh heh... topless doesn't equal nude
аватар konyks
You give a damn nude, like small children, as a child in Germany I got to such a "nude" beach, still disgusted, it's not aesthetically pleasing.
Vedic knowledge says that people who show their body to everyone will be forced to be born in the body of a tree and, as Vysotsky sings, stand like a baobab for a thousand years, let everyone "admire". And then the dream to be younger to nature will come true.
аватар Pepper
Well, you are talking nonsense, konyks ... It is you who speak out, "like a small child."
Sunbathing in shorts or without - EVERYONE'S PERSONAL MATTER. You do not like it - do not go to such beaches, no one is forcibly pulled there. And to breed debate about unaesthetic and immoral - these are signs of hypocrisy.
But in general, I strongly doubt the presence of nudist beaches in Egypt ... But a topless wife in Hurghada sunbathed quite freely.
аватар orhideya21
2 packs. As the guard said, translated from English. Here you can sunbathe without clothes, topless. What he meant, generally naked or half, we did not begin to find out in detail. And how tourists sunbathed there, we have never seen. Maybe in Savita, even for topless sunbathers, a separate beach. Just bare-chested on ordinary beaches, no one has been seen for 2 weeks.
аватар tred
On the Coral beach, sunbathe topless at your pleasure (to the delight of the service staff), no one pays attention. There are huts. Type for NU. Tourists were not seen, but Arabs with binoculars, yes. Our guide, by the way, was very indignant when he was asked about this beach. There is nothing like this in Egypt. For lovers of sunbathing naked, the place is Croatia. It is generally difficult to find people on the beach in swimsuits. Although everyone is sunbathing as they want (nude, semi-nude, dressed all mixed up)
аватар Il2005
Thanks to Pepper "Adults" like you, in some countries they have already legalized drugs, gay marriages. Thanks to such "free adults" Ukraine ranks 1st in the world in child alcoholism (I think the Russian Federation is not far away), since every scum allows itself to ride with a bottle in public transport or mothers drink right on playgrounds, children can be told anything, but they will do what adults do, not what adults say.
Let's suppose everyone's business is swearing or not, but when such a person "talks" in transport, and you are traveling with a child, who suffers? What example are we showing? Or imagine openly shooting everyone on the playground, EVERYONE'S PERSONAL AFFAIR, and then your child will come and say - give me a dose of money, I'm sausage.
I am an adult with fixed views and I look at NU as unreasonable dogs and I will not take an example from them for sure, but what will happen to the younger generation. Will they live in a society of people or refined animals who have forgotten their duty, morality going only on the occasion of their feelings.
It is regrettable to see that women have become cheap and do not even understand what honor, chastity are, but to suffer from it in the first place.
аватар Pepper
Il2005, firstly, we didn’t drink at brotherhood, so I’ll ask you not to “poke”.
Secondly, no one talks about bare asses in playgrounds. As a rule, nudist beaches are isolated and no one is forcibly dragged there.
Equate sunbathing and drug use? You are funny, honestly!
"Women have become cheap"? "To go about feelings"? What are you talking about, exactly? A typical example of an angry prude who says "ayyyyy" with a smart look without understanding the essence of the object of criticism!
No one takes away your right to sunbathe in a fur coat! For God's sake! And you can only have sex under the covers! These are your problems too! But to teach others - to do or not to do things that are permitted by law and that do no harm to anyone - is the highest degree of snobbery and "scoop".
аватар shumera
Il2005, well you give!!!
you rest in monasteries and no one will be able to insult your morality !!
and women who have become cheap - this is purely their business and not your right to judge them and anyone else!
so if you don’t like nudes, don’t go to these hotels, otherwise it’s funny - you don’t like it, but you eat - to be indignant or something ?!
well, the connection of sunbathing nudes and a child who asks for a dose because of this is simply out of competition !! excellent parallels
аватар AlexFM
Il2005, once upon a time Socrates was sentenced to death "for corrupting the youth in a new spirit" (that's what the official accusation sounded like). And this, by the way, despite the fact that in ancient Greece the beauty of the naked human body was sung! Was it bad? Not! For us, Ancient Greece is still considered the standard of attitude to the body.
But where are the judges of Socrates now? Cursed by history! But the name of Socrates survived through many centuries!
No one is going to insult your contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards their own and other people's genitals! But what you do is called "defamation" and "witch hunt". This is much more immoral than sunbathing on a nude beach. Your position is absolutely losing in terms of history and just common sense. The aggressiveness of your speech is an indicator that (as psychotherapists say) "You want to talk about it." )))
Ask yourself the question - do you have problems in this area? ;) Why did you come to this topic, if you are not interested in it? For example, I will never get into questions about diving, because diving is not interesting for me - I prefer to dive with a mask.
аватар shumera
konyks, why are you talking about nudist beaches, if it disgusts you?
and the fact that they are born trees is so wonderful - the ecology of the earth needs green spaces !!! and the more the better!
аватар inkognito90
konyks, Il2005 why throw pearls in front of pigs, they will still grunt about their own - about excrement.
In your defense, I will say that the NUDE beach is of interest, since it is not clear what NUDE is. That's why you come to see what a strange thing.
Personally, I’ll add, it’s very unpleasant when topless sunbathe on the beach at the hotel. It's just not respect for other vacationers. Well, from the point of view of morality, such women are women of easy virtue, where do husbands look? By the way, in most hotels it is forbidden to do this, it is a pity that penalties are not applied.
аватар shumera
incognito90 - let's talk about it!!
this is called a naked body complex (that is, fear), but the fact that you go to look at those who are nude sunbathing is, in general, similar to how a small child is spying on his mother in the bathroom (it’s interesting)
so at your age you only allowed yourself to speak out - with similar phrases! there are probably a couple more memorized in stock)
аватар AlexFM
No need to talk to incognito90! This is a fake registered today. =))) I won't even guess which of the previous speakers is hiding under it!
I know one such "moralist"! For 10 years, he dripped on his wife’s brains so that she wouldn’t be friends with our family, otherwise we won’t teach good things - we nudity on the beaches, we go to nightclubs, in short, we don’t fit into the highly intelligent and highly moral image of real family men .. .
And he, stsuko, on the sly, issued a child to a 19-year-old girl.
You don't need to teach me morality. I have my own ideas about her. And I am convinced that they are correct! They are devoid of stupid dogmas, but they are based on decency.
By the way! The style of the discussion speaks volumes. "Pigs", "refined animals", "cheap" - just amazing arguments! Sorry, but every culture begins with a culture of communication! In the meantime, I see that the opponents of "nude" rudely shake their virtual genitals, distributing "fucks" right and left.
And what is your culture?
For some reason, I am sure that many topless vacationers are much more decent and cultured than you. And the presence of a bra has nothing to do with it! Culture - it is primarily in the head, not on the chest.
аватар pivchik_86
Well, wow, what kind of disputes flared up here ... because of just one innocent question ...
what are you arguing...
everyone will still have their own opinion, and whatever one may say, this is a personal matter for everyone)
аватар AlexFM
pivchik_86, That's right - everyone's personal business!
Here are just some individuals for some reason believe (in the style of the Soviet house manager) that they have the right to interfere in the personal affairs of other people ...))))
аватар vasja19
AlexFM, have you ever thought that going naked in a public place is also interfering in the lives of others, your judgment is one-sided. If you like to go naked, go to special beaches. And not in hotels where children and normal people rest.
And as for obscene phrases, so far they sound only from NU, as I see it, and opponents, culturally, although harshly, in my opinion, call everything by their proper names.
Why are you better? Let's respect each other, and in places where no one sees you, do what you want, every director of his life.
I think it's time to close this fuss. I'm for people to behave civilly in public places, and for the bezpredelschikov there are special hangouts like Kazantip.
аватар AlexFM
Dear Vasya19! These are not my one-sided opinions! For some reason, this is a one-sided view of the topic! Where did you read about "naked in public places"????? Initially, the question was about the availability of a specialized beach in Egypt !!!!!!!!!!
With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that there is no such beach in Egypt!
Who here campaigns for sunbathing naked on ordinary beaches? Open your eyes!!! None!!!!! If I still consider topless for a woman to be quite acceptable, then I do not welcome full nudity on an ordinary beach in broad daylight. I am also for the fact that in public places people behave culturally, without disturbing others!
What obscene phrases were heard here from the supporters of "nude" ??? Show these obscenities! I did not notice! But there were plenty of insults from the other side. Should I show you or see for yourself?
So you joined them in this chorus, calling the supporters of "nu" "unlimited" (by the way, it is spelled with "s" - this is about culture). What is here, excuse me, "infinity"? People just relax as they like!
аватар AlexFM
By the way, vasja19, you also show complete ignorance of the issue you are discussing! Do not mislead anyone! Kazantip is not a nudist center at all! Once there was one almost official nudist beach in Lavender, but now it is not very popular.
And (again returning to the question of culture) please note that the largest and most popular nudist resorts are located in countries that give Russia and Ukraine a hundred points ahead in terms of the general culture of the population - Greece, Croatia, France. Those who have been to the French Cap d'Agay know perfectly well that a "naked" holiday can be much more cultural than a traditional one!
аватар shumera
vasja19, would you be too lazy to read all the messages - before you start parrying with phrases that have no idea what it is about) or do you just want to talk about it?
аватар shumera
vasja19, would you be too lazy to read all the messages - before you start parrying with phrases that have no idea what it is about) or do you just want to talk about it?
аватар LAVR_07
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, they’ve turned it around ... I just asked what was there and how, and you started to push your "fads" ... Thanks to those who told, shared their "experience" We'll definitely go there closer to spring)))
аватар shumera
and, here, the people - they like to talk on different topics! argue, be rude) express your opinions)))
аватар Liiz
by the way, you need to respect the mores and customs of the country where you are going to rest. In Egypt morality is chaste. It is not for nothing that the guides ask our tourists to dress appropriately for excursions (without exposing their buttocks in super-short shorts and without exposing their breasts in the neckline). Is it really difficult to follow these requests and rules? Or is it necessary to show how liberated we Europeans are, that we don't give a damn about their morals? That is why the locals watch our NUDE and TOPLESS through binoculars, in order to form their steadfastly disdainful attitude towards our women.
аватар Nichka
HERE!!!! Finally some clever words! I saw in one line a combination of "nude" and "Egypt" - I almost fell out of my eyes ... they arranged a dispute between smart and adults, but not a few uneducated ones! When will we have a culture not only in verbiage, but also in our hearts?
аватар shumera
Yes, it's not about Egypt - but in principle!
anyway, it's everyone's business.
if the Egyptians do not like the morals of the Europeans, let them close like Saudi Arabia, for example.
and no one talks about walking around the city naked. you walk on the beach in a bathing suit - and this, excuse me, is haram for Muslims - what about niqabs, we also sunbathe. so this topic is not easy.
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