Напишите, пожалуйста, бывает ли возможность приобрести "инфантный" билет для ребенка, кот. 2 года и пару месяцев и держать его на руках. С целью экономии так как детей 3 и за нас 5х платить
Please write if it is possible to purchase an "infant" ticket for a child, a cat. 2 years and a couple of months and keep it in your arms. In order to save money, since there are 3 children and 5x for us to pay
Please write if it is possible to purchase an "infant" ticket for a child, a cat. 2 years and a couple of months and keep it in your arms. In order to save money, since there are 3 children and 5x for us to pay
5 subscribers •
2016-08-309 years ago