Question o Dominican republic

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Tell me, what is the humidity in the Dominican Republic in January ????????
My pulmonologist does not recommend me to visit humid countries, but I really want to visit the Dominican Republic for the New Year!!!! I heard that in January there is practically no rain there, the weather is dry. What is the humidity in January? Can all fears of my doctor are in vain??
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2 subscribers  • asked 2011-08-0714 years ago
Answers  •  2
аватар Perevozchik
Humidity is always high in the Dominican Republic, higher than what you are used to. Of course, in winter it is lower than in summer, but .... It rains, not often, but it does happen. Rains only add moisture, and so it is always present. Such climatic features. The winter period is easier to bear, it is warm during the day, at night the temperature can drop to 18 degrees.
аватар ksylek
Do not be afraid of humidity, it is easy to breathe in the Caribbean, this is not Thailand, and on New Year's Eve all the big rains will already pass, only short ones are possible
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