A few more words about the sanatorium Chopin villa 2*. Procedures are prescribed by a doctor, a young woman who speaks good Russian. The time of the procedures is painted below, where these procedures take place. You can agree to distribute more conveniently. I took everything until 8-30 and was free all day. If desired, you can buy more treatment in other sanatoriums. Also visit the pool, for example, at the hotel "Termal" or in "Lazne-5". The cost of one visit is 100-120 rubles for 1.5 hours.
Lazne-5 has a steam room and a sauna. May was cool and rainy. In the evenings, after dinner, I went to Lazne to swim.
By the way, dinner in the sanatorium is very early, from 17-30 and the rise is also early. Treatments start at 6:30 am.
On the streets they sell excursions to the Czech Republic, to Prague, to the towns of Germany, you can go to Austria and Switzerland, as well as Venice. The most expensive and farthest excursion is about 300 euros for 3 days. I did not go far, because already been many times. I visited towns in Germany, however, I was not lucky with the weather.
And about the sanatorium I will say: as in a rich house. I saw huge sanatoriums - anthills, the fuss is annoying. If you want to party - walk to the embankment of the Tepla River in 6 minutes, and go back to sleep to the lake, to the silence of the forest.