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What souvenirs can you bring back from Switzerland?
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3 subscribers  • asked 2009-08-2216 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар Pachok
As everywhere - magnets, cups, flags.
As soon as in Switzerland - Swiss watches, penknives.
What friends and relatives rejoice most of all - Swiss chocolate from Brock, cheese "Gruyère" and "Emmental" from Gruyère, a local young gewurztraminer - I never drank tastier wine in my life!
Prices for real (not imitation) watches and jewelry of well-known brands are lower than Kiev ones by about 15%. Plus you can get a taxi.
аватар helena_fortuna
By the word souvenirs - I don't consider cheese and chocolate //although Pashok is right - better than chocolate in Switzerland...probably not//.
Watches - real, too, with difficulty, can be classified as "souvenirs". These are works of art.
I don't know if you've already been there or not, but if you're in Zermatt, be sure to go to the art salons / in the center of the town /.
I bought souvenirs there.
And no matter what you buy, it will cause admiration!
For me, this is the highest praise - the joy of relatives and friends - for gifts.
Magnets, cups, flags - well, somehow .. ... boring.
Only - Personal opinion.
аватар ktv-01
Go to the COOP or MIGROS store, they are in any city and village, and buy a fondue set, if you don’t have a fondue maker at home, you can also buy it in the same store in the dishware department. And at home, treat your loved ones with the preparation of a real Swiss cheese fondue!
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