About human life, or take care of yourself
For a month now, a real hell has been going on in my country. Even just reading stories about what is happening on the Internet, you will never be able to feel close to what it is in reality. In fact, this is just a meat grinder for human lives, which now cost about several thousand dollars, this is how much wrestlers get approximately. The worst thing is that now more and more countries are joining from different sides and, accordingly, losses are growing exponentially, regardless of what anyone's media says. Even trite because it is not always possible to count how many people were sitting in the basement or riding in a column. Keep yourself, your children and loved ones away from this meat grinder, no idea or money is worth a human life. Although the bridges between the former fraternal peoples have already been completely destroyed for hundreds of years, let's at least take care of the most valuable thing we all have - life.