Какая погода в Золотых Песках Болгарии в августе? Отдых с 17 по 29. Какая температура моря и воздуха, бывает ли пасмурно, дожди и море штормит? Прохладно ли вечером, сильный ли ветер?
What is the weather like in Golden Sands Bulgaria in August? Rest from 17 to 29. What is the temperature of the sea and air, is it cloudy, rainy and the sea is stormy? Is it cool in the evening, is there a strong wind?
What is the weather like in Golden Sands Bulgaria in August? Rest from 17 to 29. What is the temperature of the sea and air, is it cloudy, rainy and the sea is stormy? Is it cool in the evening, is there a strong wind?
5 subscribers •
2016-06-129 years ago