Question o Sozopol

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How much money do you need to take with you?
Едем в Созополь в первый раз.Питание 3-х разовое в путевку входит.Подскажите,сколько нужно взять с собой на всякие там экскурсии,перекусить в кафешке,сходить на дискотеку,ну вобщем чтоб не просто на пляже валятся.Кстати слышала что там хорошее серебро.Не подскажите в какую цену?
Мы не можем взять много денег,кризис все-таки=)Планируем поехать на экскурсию в Стамбул,и каждый вечер на дискотеку поплясать,по стаканчику пива,ну так,по-минимуму.Нас 2 человека.
Заранее спасибо за ответ.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
5 subscribers  • asked 2009-07-0316 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар PlyusheMonstr
if you plan to go on an excursion to Istanbul - notify the agency about this - so that you can get a two-entry Bulgarian visa
excursion about 100 dollars per person (plus minus)
meals - 5-10 euros per person (good, dense)
аватар F0reigner
About the visa - this is the correct remark. Although the agencies already put two times a day, it will not be out of place to remind them of this;)
For two of us, without meals included in the hotel, it took about 15-20 euros per day for food. If your meals are already "included", then you can safely count on 5-10 euros per day for two. Believe me, the portions of the Bulgarians are simply huge! With moderate expenses, buying souvenirs and some things for ourselves from clothes and silver, it took us 450 euros for everything.
A trip to Istanbul for 1 day will cost at least 100 euros (!!!) per person - our friend went and told. The prices there are very high (0.5 of water - 3 euros, a toilet - 1 euro, etc.), but you will want to eat something. Plus all sorts of excursions, etc.
If you are going for two weeks, then you can go to Istanbul, and if for a shorter period, then I will advise you to get to know Sozopol and its surroundings better! After all, having been there, you will definitely want to return there, but then a trip to Istanbul will come in handy;)
аватар demablagoev
It's true that everyone here says ... my wife and I spent about 500 euros for 10 days, moreover, only breakfast was included in the package. Prices in Bulgaria are about the same as in Russia or cheaper. The only thing that we noticed is more expensive - it's gasoline and all the services resulting from it.
аватар spb
I want to say that both in Bulgaria and in Istanbul this year the prices have changed for the better, and even gasoline in Bulgaria is cheaper than ours now
аватар demablagoev
Where is ours? Gasoline in Varna - 1 euro per liter of the 95th...
аватар Tany1970
silver in Bulgaria from 5 euros you can buy a chain, it all depends on grams. I bought a ring, earrings, a chain and a pendant for 60 leva, which is 30 euros. Of course cheap, you will not find such prices here. And we spent money on 3,500 euros, breakfast and dinner were included in the ticket. A trip to Istanbul was, in my opinion, 100 leva per person plus 20 leva for a visa at the Turkish border. It's about 60 euros.
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