Едем 5 числа - кто едет? Старшему 18 лет - еле уговорила, чтобы поехал, говорит, что будет скучно. Я обещала отличный отдых - да не ударить в грязь лицом поможет народ!
We are going on the 5th - who is going? The eldest is 18 years old - she barely persuaded me to go, she says that it will be boring. I promised a great vacation - but the people will help not lose face!
We are going on the 5th - who is going? The eldest is 18 years old - she barely persuaded me to go, she says that it will be boring. I promised a great vacation - but the people will help not lose face!
7 subscribers •
2015-08-1510 years ago