Доброго дня. Підскажіть у якого туроператора краще купляти тур з Дніпра до Болгарії? Порекомендуйте готель) та які гроші повинно мати с собою, долари чи євро? Планую їхати з дитиною 3 роки
Good day. Tell me which tour operator is better to buy a tour from Dnipro to Bulgaria? Recommend a hotel) and what money should be taken with you, dollars or euros? I plan to go with a 3-year-old child
Good day. Tell me which tour operator is better to buy a tour from Dnipro to Bulgaria? Recommend a hotel) and what money should be taken with you, dollars or euros? I plan to go with a 3-year-old child
5 subscribers •
2024-04-1711 months ago