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Dress code to visit the Vienna Opera?
Simply put, will they let you in to the evening performance in jeans? On the website of the Vienna Opera about the dress code, I did not find anything.
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7 subscribers  • asked 2009-08-0516 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар avstria-gid
yes needed, i.e. evening dress, skirt or elegant trousers for ladies and suit or trousers for gentlemen.
аватар NatashaS
аватар Viltis
To be honest, they wear jeans. But... I would wear a decent dress, or at least a skirt and blouse.
аватар Margo23
Most of the people were dressed neatly and elegantly. I didn’t notice any floor-length dresses, even in the front rows. But some young people of teenage age were not only in jeans, but also in acid-colored sneakers. True, everything was in the gallery for 5 oyro.
аватар Pachok
They will let you in, but you yourself will be uncomfortable, most likely.
аватар NatashaS
Thanks to all. The elegant suit is already packed.
аватар Logoks
We were at the Vienna Opera, what to wear depends on which seats you will buy, if you are seated in the parterre, then it is advisable to dress decently, but if you are standing (there are not counted in my opinion), then there you will look at least in an evening dress strange, because everyone is dressed in what. As they walked along the street, so they came.
аватар zpav11
There doesn't seem to be any dress code, here's a good link about it.
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