Unplanned overnight stay on the Albanian beach

14 January 2016 Travel time: with 29 October 2015 on 30 October 2015
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An unscheduled overnight stay on an Albanian beach

Thursday, October 29, we drive from Montenegro to Albania. This road took a lot of time: firstly, it passes through the mountains, there are serpentines almost everywhere, it is impossible to pick up speed, and secondly, the route is very narrow - 2 cars hardly diverge. Therefore, we had to spend the night in Albania, although we did not plan to.

To be honest, it was a little scary - the gas stations here are not the same as in "advanced" Europe, but small, without the Internet. And there is no special place for parking, because everywhere there are mountain roads.

But if on the way to Montenegro we slept on a pass among a snowy glade, then here we turned up for the night on... a private beach. And it began with an acquaintance with the owner and his dog... It was lucky that he spoke English and allowed us to stay. So, according to the good old tradition, we had dinner right on the hood and went to bed.

And they did not regret it! Just look at the wonderful morning landscapes that opened up to us. Breakfast overlooking the sea horizon and mighty mountains. Even a drizzle did not spoil the delight.

Next, a few more loops through the mountains and the finale! Ferry! Let's sail to Greece!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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