Travel agency review Тур-Экспресс (Kyiv)

Divorce in Ukrainian

Date of purchase: 01 august 2015
Written: 21 august 2015
Travel agency: Тур-Экспресс (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур, экскурсионный тур

My wife and I were on a tour organized by Tour-Express LTD (Kyiv, Ovruchskaya St., 17). It was a bus tour to Italy (we have long wanted to visit this wonderful country). In general, the impressions about Italy were good, and we intend to visit this country again. But of course, not with such a tour operator as Tour-Express. Without exaggeration, the head of this operator, Evgeny Vasilievich (and on the same tour, our guide-leader of the group) can be called a fraudster, irresponsible and greedy person. This was felt in everything: in changing the tour program to please yourself (the savings were on everything: there was a night move to save on the hotel; excursion programs were significantly reduced in order to save on bus parking; visiting only those stores where the guide was supposed to receive a commission from sales ; complete disregard for the wishes of the group, etc.). Indicative was the moment when we lagged behind the group in Venice to take a picture (because if you run (in the literal sense) after the guide, you won’t see anything in this wonderful city) and started calling him to ask how we could catch up with the group, then he I didn't pick up the phone at all, probably so as not to "burn" roaming money. It's just kind of a nightmare. It's good that they themselves somehow went to the bus stop in order to get to the parking lot of the bus waiting for us. In general, we advise tourists to think very carefully before contacting Tour-Express and Evgeny Vasilyevich.

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