Travel agency review Тур-Экспресс (Kyiv)

I do not recommend using the services of this company.

Date of purchase: 22 july 2015
Written: 17 august 2015
Travel agency: Тур-Экспресс (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

I received a mailing list with a proposal for a tour to Italy. I decided to take a risk and it turned out that in vain.

Employees of the company "Tour-Express" in pursuit of earnings save literally on everything. The transit hotel in Hungary looked more like a shabby old barn. The bus in which we moved was also not in the best condition and eventually broke down on the way back. Tourists had to push it several times to get to the border. We passed the border with the engine running and the air conditioner not working (at a temperature of +35 on the street, everything was +40 in the cabin).

But, unfortunately, this is not all our troubles. On the trip, we were accompanied by the manager of the Kiev company OOO "Tour-Express" Evgeny Matvienko - a drunkard and a deceiver. He spent excursions around Budapest and Venice in this way: he read brief information on a piece of paper, and then ran around the city (for fear that he might be detained, because he did not have permission to conduct excursions) and the whole group rushed after him. He does not speak foreign languages, so if there were any problems at the hotel, the tourists solved them themselves.

But he very skillfully deceived tourists, demanding to pay for the bus parking (15 euros per person), although the buses stopped at free parking lots.

Therefore, I do not recommend the services of the company "Tour-Express"

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