Travel agency review Відпочинок на всі 100% (Kharkiv)

Trip to Khortitsa

Date of purchase: 10 august 2013
Written: 12 august 2013
Travel agency: Відпочинок на всі 100% (Kharkiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

This is not a tour - this is a nightmare. We left Kharkiv in a minibus, which is not at all suitable for long-distance transportation, there is nowhere to put things, the seats are very close, there is no air conditioning, the driver has a window and a small sunroof on the roof, and at the same time the temperature is 30, although they promised comfortable conditions. The manager promised that a film about Zaporozhye would be shown on the bus, but no, we listened to the driver's favorite songs. In Zaporozhye, we were met by a guide with the words: "Let's hurry to the ship, we are already late." And the race began. . . It was not a city tour, we only found out that the streets of Zaporozhye were renamed, old and new names were called all the time, you can learn much more about Zaporozhye from the Internet. We managed to get on the ship, arriving at the departure and, accordingly, there was a problem with the places. And now, after a stuffy bus, we sit for an hour at the lock, in the same stuffiness, and a further excursion along Khortitsa was no longer perceived, even though the girl guide told us well. And then we "rushed" to the museum, we were late again. But the most interesting, it turned out that the complex "Zaporizhzhya Sich" works until 16. 00, and when we arrived there already in the excursion we were refused and the huts were closed. Why didn't anyone know about this before? After all, it was possible to leave the ship for later. But we did not see the Zaporozhye Cossacks promised in the travel agency, we were told in Zaporozhye that their performances are only in spring and autumn, and then only in the presence of three large groups, and the website says wonderfully about them. So think a hundred times agreeing to such an excursion. . . And this is not only my opinion, people did not enjoy it, but only got tired. . .

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