Travel agency review Відпочинок на всі 100% (Kharkiv)

Rest is just great!

Date of purchase: 07 february 2019
Written: 12 february 2019
Travel agency: Відпочинок на всі 100% (Kharkiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

I flew to Egypt last week, I liked everything very much!

The trip was arranged in a travel agency Rest for all 100 - excellent organization !!! It took me a long time to choose a tour, because I wanted to have a good rest, but at the same time on a limited budget.

Rested at the Melton Beach hotel, excellent value for money. An incomparable reef, we saw a lot of beauties.

The food was excellent, we didn’t even have time to try everything, from 9 am to 10 pm!

The tour operator was TUI. There were no delays on departures, everything was fine!

Next year I will fly to the same hotel and with the same company!

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