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holidays in the UAE with a child 1.5 years old
Hello! We want to relax at sea with a child of 1.5 years in October-November. Budget up to $2500. What type of food to choose? And what's the best way to feed a baby? Can I choose a diet menu in restaurants? Or is it better to cook yourself? At home, he eats from our table, he does not like his children's food. And in which resort are the beaches good for a child - sand?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2012-09-0713 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Li-m3012
The budget is small for the UAE (good hotels). Maybe Egypt should be considered?
аватар xyllliganka
2500, you can go to claridge or flora, there is normal food
For normal fives, this is not enough
аватар _smorodina
No, we do not want to go to Egypt, we are also considering Israel.
аватар _smorodina
Do you recommend fours?
аватар xyllliganka
Why don't I advise
If you are not spoiled by a savoy in Egypt, a dolphin with adam and eve in Turkey or a Jumeirah hotel in Dubai, then the average four at breakfast in Dubai is normal.
аватар _smorodina
We are not spoiled)) the main thing is that there is something for the child to eat and a good beach. Fours only offer breakfast? And in restaurants, what is the average bill to eat for two?
аватар xyllliganka
Fours offer breakfast lunch or breakfast dinner
In restaurants, the average check for two, if without a lobster, then about a hundred holes, if in a shawarman or an Indian rygalovka, then it can be for 60, but they don’t spare pepper there, so it’s better in a fork or mall catering
аватар gzaajsc1
We are flying, with a child (1.4) also eats from a common table, in Sharjah October in the Grand Hotel. Were there a lot of times without children, the feeder is good, but I don’t remember the life of the children’s table .... The beach is sand. Basik with heating + children's bass. We took HB and I will bring lunches for the child with me, from finca, in muxi cans. Well, something like this
аватар chitah
Dear, someone flew to the sea with children in November
, for a week. 4 years old child. We had 2 weeks in the summer, as expected, and now we want to go to the UAE, but the vacation is only a week (((, I'm afraid that this negatively affects health, acclimatization, adaptation, with a radical change in climate, outside season. Thank you.
аватар Li-m3012
In my opinion, with a 4-year-old, it’s not a problem at all (at least I would fly for 2 days)
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