Question about hotel Miramar Al Aqah Beach Resort 5*

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Tell me, is the Indian Ocean dangerous?
Tell me, is the Indian Ocean dangerous? I mean, are there sharks, sea urchins, or anything poisonous around this hotel... is there anything to be afraid of?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2011-08-2713 years ago
Answers  •  21
аватар alex45
The Indian Ocean is not at all dangerous if you do not enter it!
аватар mankoff
hahaha))) and if you still take a chance?)
is the water clean?
аватар alex45
Do not take risks, it will not help, but I think no one will bite you, the sharks all swam into the Red Sea for dinner.
аватар mankoff
were you even there?
аватар alex45
And what do you think? Well, since I’m writing, I probably know something. Have you ever been anywhere?
аватар mankoff
I don't think it's worth answering...
thanks, all your comments were very helpful.
аватар alex45
Well, what are the questions, these are the answers!
аватар mankoff
what is wrong with the question?
Have you been to the Emirates (Fujairah)? Your opinion is also interesting, as for an experienced traveler.
аватар Anetka-gan
any sea contains danger. and even more so the ocean. you just have to be careful all the time
аватар marsez
when I was there I saw only turtles and a lot of fish.
In the morning the whole beach is covered with crabs, sometimes there were slopes near the shore early in the morning.
I didn’t swim far, but I don’t think it’s so dangerous to swim there.
аватар mankoff
thanks for the normal answers.
I was interested in the coastal zone
аватар svistnat74
I did not see or hear anything warning about sharks or sea urchins near the hotel. But I saw a jellyfish on the sand after a storm and saw a girl come out of the ocean and say that she was stung by a jellyfish, so take Fenistil-gel with you. When I was in this hotel (January 2011) the ocean was in bloom, the water was bright green from a lot of mud and smelled strongly of fish. And yet, we once found a small oil cake in the water.
аватар lulka_p
we did not meet anything dangerous there))) but there are a lot of "crawling shells")))
аватар marsez
crabs live in them
аватар Elena0411
We were twice in the UAE at the same time in July, and we didn’t see anything terrible in the ocean, most likely you need to be wary of big waves, they have great kinetic force and, when approaching the coast, they pull out holes 1.5 m deep. Out of ignorance, I went for a swim when a yellow warning flag was hanging, and fell into just such a hole, if it were not for the lifeguard, I would have drowned for sure, and then I picked out small shells from my face and body for another 40 minutes, and the scar on my chest remained. But on the coast of the Miramar hotel you have nothing to fear at all, there are no turtles, no stingrays, no fish, no deep holes under the shore, the only thing was that something bit in the water, but also without consequences, but unlike the coast of the Jal Fujairah hotel, now it's called the Radisson Blu Resort, Fujairah, where last year we saw striped fish, crabs, turtles, and even one octopus. In fact, the ocean is the best place to swim and relax, and you should not refuse to soak up the warm and clear water.. Enjoy your holiday, Mankoff.
аватар mankoff
Thank you very much)
аватар Slava7515
Hey! I already wrote in a review about a vacation in Jal Fujairah (March 2011) that a huge jellyfish attacked me near the shore (most likely, since nothing was visible in the water), which wrapped both legs with tentacles and stung very strongly, after that both my legs were covered with blisters, the rescuers gave me vinegar, it went away after a couple of hours. the sensations were not pleasant. maybe it was an octopus, but they say they don't sting. a couple of times - also near the shore - something tingled like a light current, knowledgeable people said that it was such plankton, there was a slight punctate redness, which quickly passed. Compared to the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean turned out to be much more dangerous for me personally. Have a nice rest!
аватар mankoff
how about water? clean?
аватар lulka_p
beautiful water)))
аватар Slava7515
in March, the water was quite clean, periodically some kind of yellowish mucus floated - either algae, or the remains of petroleum products, but there was not much of this substance :)) you won’t swim with a mask, the bottom is sandy, you can’t see anything, we have interesting fish there were no turtles either, stingrays were seen in the evening not far from the coast, when they jumped out of the water, crabs were found in the coastal stones. My advice to you is Egypt, it is much more interesting there. If you go to the UAE - then in Dubai. Fujairah is a province, there is nothing outstanding there.
аватар mia20
Aleks45, it’s not clear why you came here at all? make fun? Many thanks to everyone else who replied to mankkoff ! Very useful information for me. For example, now I’m going to buy rubber slippers for swimming, and in general I don’t know if I’ll go into the ocean after your stories)))) I’m afraid of all kinds of similar living creatures in the water ...
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