Летим с подругой в феврале 2019 в Таиланд, через Дубаи. В Дубаи длительная стыковка. Хотим открыть визу 48 часов. Через сайт Эмирейтс требую залог 360 у.е на человека и стоимость визы 32 у.е
We are flying with a girlfriend in February 2019 to Thailand, via Dubai. Long layover in Dubai. We want to open a visa 48 hours. Through the Emirates website, I demand a deposit of 360 USD per person and the cost of a visa is 32 USD
We are flying with a girlfriend in February 2019 to Thailand, via Dubai. Long layover in Dubai. We want to open a visa 48 hours. Through the Emirates website, I demand a deposit of 360 USD per person and the cost of a visa is 32 USD
3 subscribers •
2019-01-226 years ago