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Related question «Documents and borders»
Who flew to Dubai with a laptop that does not have licensed Windows?
Hello! I googled a lot and didn't find anything! I want to ask those who have already flown to Dubai with a laptop that does not have a licensed Windows! Are there any problems? Do they look? I bought a laptop without an OS .. and accordingly there are no stickers on it with a hint of Windows! Can there be problems? Thanks in advance for the replies!
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6 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-2612 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар V.A.S.
When at customs (passport control) they ask you to show your laptop, they don’t check at all whether you have a licensed Windows or not! They look to see if it's really a laptop, or something camouflaged under it...
аватар Anetka-gan
probably 90% of tourists from the countries of the former CIS fly with the same laptops)))))))
аватар travelsita
If the customs officers checked the license for the software installed in the notes and other multimedia devices, then we would not be able to manage the border and customs procedures in a day. The queues would be miles long.
Don't worry, take it easy. Most of ours with such OS. no one will watch it. They can only look at the laptop itself and that's it.
аватар travelsita
This situation can arise in the US (for obvious reasons). There they can check the contents of flash drives and notes. This practice is not used in other countries.
аватар TanjaYad
When we flew to the Emirates, I also met information somewhere that they can selectively check the laptop, but only for the content of prohibited films. But we did not see, not the first, not the second time, that at least someone checked something, they only asked to take the laptop out of the bag and put it separately on the conveyor. Yes, this is not realistic with such a flow of people. So don't worry. Everything will be OK.
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