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In early November, my husband and I gathered in Dubai. The agency is engaged in the selection of the tour, but I "want to know everything"))). Tell me, please, what are the features of recreation at the resort?
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3 subscribers  • asked 2011-09-2013 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар alex45
Do you want to know everything? You type in Google - "Dubai", it will give out so much information, you'll get tired of reading. Only 1200 characters are given for the answer. You can't write much.
аватар NatashaS
The answer from alex45, as usual, is very informative.
I'm moving on to Dubai. When choosing a hotel, you should pay attention to its location. There are hotels on the shore of the bay, there are urban ones. Among the hotels on the shore, there are hotels with their own beach (there are more of them), there are hotels with a municipal beach. When choosing a city hotel, you should pay attention to the availability of shuttle buses to the beach and the cost of visiting the beach. This is in short.
аватар alex45
By the way, also look at Google maps, it will be easier to navigate, and even better if you can copy the map.
аватар tourexpert
Keep in mind that everything is very expensive there! Most hotels operate on a BB (breakfast) food system. In Fujairah, for example, it is generally forbidden to drink and sell alcoholic beverages. Only in a few hotels in Futjeirah will you be offered alcohol, and then only without leaving the bar (they won’t sell you takeaway, even beer). The average price of a dinner per person can be up to $100. A can of Coca-Cola is $5. There are also relatively inexpensive fast foods... Visit Dubai Mall. Shopping there, as for me, is not as cheap as it seems, gold is not much cheaper, clothes are the same price as ours, T-shirts with the inscription "Dubai" are cheaper than $ 15, equipment is cheaper (cameras, video cameras, laptops), but for example phones Iphone4 and Samsung Galaxy S2 are more expensive than in Moscow.
аватар Marina530
rest features - endless shopping in the malls. Look at the famous tower, tickets to the Dubai mall are freely sold, there is an aquarium, there are also wonderful fountains. The sea is hot, breakfasts are ordinary, eating in the city is not a problem. We were in Dubai Marina 5 * with its own beach, so-so ... there are also famous fur shops, I bought fur coats in the Fur Planet. The hotel has all the info in Russian, I don’t advise taking excursions, they include a lot of boring things, you’ll figure it out for yourself. We traveled around Dubai by taxi, it's inexpensive. Have a good rest.
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