The magnificent Victoria Falls, Zambia. Journey to Africa 2018

25 February 2018 Travel time: with 11 January 2018 on 15 January 2018
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I did the right thing, that at the Victoria Falls airport I received a single visa for Zimbabwe and Zambia.

At Windhoek Namibia Airport, the eggplant deceived me. Before the inspection of things, I was stopped by two very dark eggplants in the jackets of airport employees. They have an eye for good products. They told me that canned meat is not allowed in Zimbabwe, so get the cans. I got it. Such an insult, the meat is very expensive and tasty. I tried one jar. I liked it very much. One jar was taken by one young man, and the second by the second. When I flew to Zimbabwe, they didn't care what kind of food you brought. In a word, eggplants divorced me. Sorry, but this is a good lesson for me.

At the checkpoint at Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Airport, a uniformed lady asked me if I wanted one visa for Zimbabwe or two for Zimbabwe and Zambia for $50. I immediately agreed to two, otherwise why did I fly here?

It seems to me that if you flew here, then you need to visit two Victoria Falls, in Zimbabwe and Zambia. It's like flying to the sea and not swimming.

Victoria Falls. Zambia.

It's hard to photograph. Water spray floods the lens

Victoria Falls from Zambia is much better.

Very beautiful.

The bridge that separates Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Border of two states. The yellow stripe is Zimbabwe and the white stripe is Zambia.

They are on the border of Zimbabwe, and I photograph them from Zambia

My castle. Tradition.

I told them it was immoral in a public place, but they didn't listen to me.

They carry food from Zambia to Zimbabwe.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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