Chicken coop on the outskirts

Written: 22 may 2009
Travel time: 29 december 2006 — 5 january 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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If you talk for a long time, you could describe how we paid for places in Bukovel (New Year), and settled us a kilometer along the highway (behind the barrier) in Zahidi. How a frightened maid ran out of the trailer and began to frantically turn on the heating... How every day we trudged along the highway to have breakfast in Bukovel and back. But we are talking about the Zahid Hotel. Wooden houses in which you will hear your neighbor's phone from above on a vibrating alert, in which hot water in the shower will knock out plugs and put out the light, in which you will sit in settlements without food and the opportunity to cook it (a kettle with a refrigerator will give you a wonderful opportunity to save on snack) While vacationers on top of the hotel on the mountain will celebrate the new year, you will painfully poke into the remote control (there were no batteries) and choose between 5 channels on a miniature TV for the best image . . Good luck!
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