Livadiia 2*– Reviews

Rating 6.010
based on
6 reviews
№4 in the hotel rating Livadia
8.0 Rooms
8.0 Service
8.0 Cleanliness
8.5 Food
7.0 Amenities
In the second half of the 18th century, the royal family became the owner of the Livadia lands. The house of the Romanovs owned a magnificent palace, which rises on an amazingly beautiful meadow. In the “page” and other buildings of the palace complex on the very seashore, the Livadia sanatorium is located today (the Palace Museum is located right on its territory). The special charm of Livadia is given by its park, which occupies about 40 hectares. Founded almost 150 years ago, it is still one of the best on the southern coast of Crimea. From here begins the Solar path-terrenkur, convenient for walking (formerly called the Tsarskaya), with a length of 6700 m. "Livadia" is one of the largest specialized cardiological health resorts in the Crimea. This is the only sanatorium on the South Coast that has a department for the rehabilitation of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Indications: hypertension, coronary heart disease, condition after myocardial infarction (post-infarction department).More →
 •  traveled 8 years ago
Rating 3.0
We rested in the sanatorium in the second half of August. The woman who met us at the reception, with a disgruntled and nervous look, returned the questionnaires to us, in which we did not add something, the suspicion immediately crept in that we had come here in vain. And now the 10th building: there is dirt all around. … More ▾ We rested in the sanatorium in the second half of August. The woman who met us at the reception, with a disgruntled and nervous look, returned the questionnaires to us, in which we did not add something, the suspicion immediately crept in that we had come here in vain. And now the 10th building: there is dirt all around. In the room on the shelves, table, window sill, bedside tables, etc. , nothing has been cleaned for a long time. Plumbing in a terrible raid. Table and chairs on the balcony - it's scary to sit down. The corridors are just as dirty. Entrance doors and handles were not washed from the installation, probably all dirty. I'm not picky, I just see such dirt for the first time. I thought it was only in our room, so I went to the children's room. The same picture. Wet wipes were at hand, wiped as much as was enough. The administrator calmly said that they have such a cleaner, does nothing. After that, I wrote a complaint to the administration of the sanatorium. The next day, this cleaning lady was sent to me, who listened to me and asked how to clean it all up, if everything is so old. To my objections, the answer was received that in the heat it is difficult for her to clean. She promised to wash and asked to take the complaint, promising to bring us a fan. A couple of days later, I heard how the newly arrived women were indignant at the dirt, they were also promised a fan. This is a complete disrespect for tourists. This is the pigsty they lived in. I appeal to the administration of the sanatorium, I know that indignations do not reach you: CLEAN BODY 10, you can’t treat people like that. You charge a lot of money for it. We were ready for the steps to the beach, we all love to walk, we went down normally. But it’s still hard to climb, these are not just steps, one steep cascade of steps replaces another. Trying to get on the minibus is useless, there is a long queue of people waiting. We walked. People queue in the sun as they return from the sea. The sea is refreshing, the sunset is more or less normal compared to other Yalta beaches. Nothing is sold on the beach, not even water. Dining room: clean, everything is delicious (with rare exceptions), everything is enough, the waiters try very hard, as soon as the dish is over, they bring it again. Liked the soups. From different vegetables you can make a salad yourself, there is butter, mayonnaise, sour cream sauce. Always fish, chicken, something meaty, for example, pilaf or vegetables with meat, and sometimes liver, heart. Always had omelettes and casseroles. Cutlets are almost always edible. They ate watermelon every day, the queue is small, when the watermelon is taken apart, they bring it again. Every day pastries, small pies, buns and manniks. From drinks - tea, cocoa, coffee sol. you impose yourself, there are other drinks. Many thanks to the cafeteria staff. We walked around the Livadia Palace every day. Sometimes after dinner we went to Yalta. Taxi "Wave", "Veterok" - about 200 rubles. to the Yalta embankment. The bus from Livadia rarely runs in the evening, there are a lot of people who want it, there is a crush on the bus, because it is small, they swept once, then only by taxi. I do not recommend the Livadia sanatorium because of the dirt in the building, the old half-broken furniture and the difficult climb from the beach. And the Crimea is beautiful, I fell in love with it when we went for the first time, now it pulls there.
Review from —
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 7.0
In the fall, she sent her father to the Livadia sanatorium, close friends recommended their medical base for the rehabilitation of post-infarction patients. I bought the tour from the Laspi company in Sevastopol. The manager confirmed all the positive reviews about medicine, sent me links to photos and a list of procedures by mail. … More ▾ In the fall, she sent her father to the Livadia sanatorium, close friends recommended their medical base for the rehabilitation of post-infarction patients. I bought the tour from the Laspi company in Sevastopol. The manager confirmed all the positive reviews about medicine, sent me links to photos and a list of procedures by mail. I didn’t hide the minuses, so I was prepared that the conditions were “not Versailles. ” I will describe from my impressions when I brought it and took it from the words of my father, who was undergoing treatment. Doctors and methods satisfied us. I myself talked to the doctor who saw my dad. A very attentive, polite person, it is clear that he has extensive experience in dealing with elderly patients and complex cases are not new to him. He knows how to convince both the patient and relatives of the need or, conversely, the uselessness of a particular procedure. Since we were traveling with our "baggage" of judgments about what procedures can be performed in the post-infarction state. We completely trusted the specialists of the sanatorium and not in vain, the physical condition has significantly strengthened, to a certain limit, of course, the lost good spirits have returned, and this is very important for post-infarction patients. The conditions in the sanatorium, frankly, are not Turkey, but everything you need is there. I took a single room for my father so that no one would disturb him. The room has the usual set of furniture - bed, table, chairs, TV, refrigerator. Everything is not new, but clean and tidy. They clean up well. The food, according to my father, is delicious, the waitresses ask if you liked it, they are helpful. A balanced diet is very important, which we try to follow when we return home. A significant plus of the sanatorium is the area. The sanatorium stands in a park, as they say, sinking in greenery, which even in October was in abundance. Near the Livadia Palace, the Sunny Path - the famous royal health path - a path for walking over the sea. Dad did not go far, but I walked with pleasure - incredible beauty. We did not go down to the beach, it was already cool for swimming. They were satisfied with the treatment in Livadia, and this is much more important than the plasma on the wall in the room and the pool. Thanks to all the doctors of Livadia for their attitude towards people!
Review from —
аватар eka-enigma
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 8.0
Went there twice with my family. In general, everything is very comfortable and corresponds to the descriptions of the hotel on the site. The descent to the sea along the stairs is not small, but it was not at all intimidating. This is useful, and then you will not find a direct descent in 2 minutes anywhere in Livadia, unless it is a hotel on the sea. … More ▾ Went there twice with my family. In general, everything is very comfortable and corresponds to the descriptions of the hotel on the site. The descent to the sea along the stairs is not small, but it was not at all intimidating. This is useful, and then you will not find a direct descent in 2 minutes anywhere in Livadia, unless it is a hotel on the sea. I note that the beach is departmental, the entrance is by pass . . it belongs to the boarding house Chernomorets... the beach itself is also very clean and there is no theft at all. We walked along the coast to Yalta. Clean, nice. Great view from the top floor balcony. There were always good neighbors. To the Palace, really 10 minutes. We walked like we were at home. If you are athletic and calm... then this is for you.
аватар terekhova
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 8.0
The hotel is simply wonderful both with the view and with its super-staff. The first thing that won me over was that they met us from the train (although it was not included in their duties according to the price list for the provision of services), and we have two small children and, of course, luggage. Everything was shown and explained. … More ▾ The hotel is simply wonderful both with the view and with its super-staff. The first thing that won me over was that they met us from the train (although it was not included in their duties according to the price list for the provision of services), and we have two small children and, of course, luggage. Everything was shown and explained. The cook is generally a miracle, she always cooked so deliciously, and if we were late for breakfast, lunch or dinner, she served everything at any time (well, except for the night) as if only from the stove; this was noted not only by us, but by all vacationers. The staff, even at night, at any time, was ready to provide us with any services, even pouring boiling water at 2-00 am was not a reason for them to make faces at us. The rooms are always clean, there were no problems with water - they could take a shower at any time and as much as they wanted. And the bedding, if anything, was changed and the rooms were always cleaned if incidents happen and several times a day. I was very glad to visit such a wonderful place as the Crimea and nothing overshadowed my vacation! The best moments associated with the rest I have this year the most unforgettable.
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 5.0
Nonsense, they took the money, and the rest is your problem. If you are not a post-infarction patient, then they are treated with inhalations alone. They go to what is located on the territory of the palace, and there is not a single flower bed of their own, everything is left from the king of peas. And the road to the sea. … More ▾ Nonsense, they took the money, and the rest is your problem. If you are not a post-infarction patient, then they are treated with inhalations alone. They go to what is located on the territory of the palace, and there is not a single flower bed of their own, everything is left from the king of peas. And the road to the sea... either a steep descent, and back, respectively, the rise, on foot for 20-30 minutes, or the elevators work from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening, so after dinner at the sea only on foot. Nature, of course, is beautiful, the palace, views as in the picture.
Review from —
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 5.0
nothing like that, a sanatorium as a sanatorium. … More ▾ nothing like that, a sanatorium as a sanatorium.
Review from —

avatar julia0610
there is a social ticket to the sanatorium LIVADIA but there is no information. Maybe someone was there?
15 years ago  •  no subscribers no answers

Во второй половине 18 столетия владельцем Ливадийских земель стала царская семья. Дому Романовых принадлежал великолепный дворец, который высится на изумительной по красоте поляне. В «пажеском» и прочих корпусах дворцового комплекса на самом берегу моря и располагается сегодня санаторий «Ливадия» (Дворец-музей находится прямо на его территории).

Особую прелесть Ливадии придает ее парк, занимающий около 40 га. Заложенный почти 150 лет назад, он и сейчас является одним из лучших на Южном побережье Крыма. Отсюда начинается удобная для прогулки Солнечная тропа-терренкур (ранее ее называли Царской), протяженностью 6700 м.

«Ливадия» — одна из крупнейших специализированных кардиологических здравниц Крыма. Это единственный на Южном Берегу санаторий, имеющий отделение реабилитации больных, перенесших острый инфаркт миокарда.

Показания: гипертоническая болезнь, ишимическая болезнь сердца, состояние после перенесенного инфаркта миокарда (постинфарктное отделение).

Location Санаторий "Ливадия" расположен в пос. Ливадия - в 3 км от г.Ялта, в уникальном уголке природы Крыма - Ливадийском парке.
Description of the beach На собственном пляже, спуск к которому осуществляется на лифте, развернута обширная сеть пляжных услуг - прокат лодок, водных велосипедов, водных мотоциклов, бары. Отдых на пляже проходит под наблюдением квалифицированных медицинских работников. До моря - 15 мин. пешком, обратно - 20 мин.
In a hotel

- теннисный корт

- ж/д и авиа кассы

- здесь же находится известный в Крыму и за его пределами музей восковых фигур (в Ливадийском дворце) и действующий православный храм.

Description of rooms

Отдыхающие размещаются в 2-х местных номерах со всеми удобствами, 2-х местных номерах с удобствами на блок, 2-х и 3-х комнатных 2-х местных «люксах».

2-х и 3-х комнатные 2-х местные номера «Люкс».

Корпус №10, цокольный этаж Корпуса №3:

1-но местные номера со всеми удобствами;

2-х местные номера со всеми удобствами;

Корпус №3, верхние этажи:

1-но местные номера со всеми удобствами;

2-х местные номера со всеми удобствами, с душем;

2-х местные номера со всеми удобствами, с ванной;

2-х местные номера с удобствами на блок из двух палат;

2-х местные номера со всеми удобствами;

2-х комнатные 2-х местные номера «Люкс»;

3-х комнатные 2-х местные номера «Люкс»;

Корпус №11:

2-х комнатные 2-х местные номера «Люкс».

The address Украина, Крым, пос. Ливадия, пер. Батурина, 6
Phones: (0654) 31-55-41