The dining room is quite edible, the waitress girls always served quickly and very politely. During the rest, NEVER anything spoiled or stale was on the table.
The big plus of the boarding house is the proximity of the beach - just 5-7 minutes of leisurely walking. Yes, there is a staircase with 83 steps. But Gurzuf is all in the steps !!! ! And compared to some others, the stairs to the Korovin boarding house are, one might say, a gentle staircase.
We personally didn’t have a view of the sea from the window, since the first floor, but we constantly heard the sound of the surf. The high-rise residential building partially blocks the view of the sea.
It was very annoying for us that our room was closest to the entrance to the main building of the boarding house and the dining room. Accordingly, in front of our room, people gathered to talk, smoke, get some air. At the same time, all their conversations are clearly audible in our room, because the windows are open. Therefore, we became involuntary listeners to all conversations, gossip, disputes, quarrels, children's games, etc. If we go to this boarding house again, I will categorically refuse this room.
The beach has large pebbles. If this bothers you, stock up on aquashoes, like we did. At 10 o'clock in the morning, you can always take a place in the sun, and no one will walk on their heads there. Under canopies, the situation is different. My husband went at 7 am to take a seat in the shade. To do this, in exchange for guest cards, he took two sunbeds (wooden, heavy) and took a place by laying a bedspread on them. Moreover, this still did not guarantee that when you came to the beach, you would find your sunbeds. People threw off the bedspread, and took the sunbeds for themselves, explaining that it was hard for women to wear them, and the man would bring himself again. At the same time, you will no longer find a place in the shade - you will roast in the sun. But this is not a shortcoming of the boarding house. This is common human rudeness and dishonesty. The lifeguard on the beach, saying that this is a normal phenomenon here, gave out sunbeds again without cards (when returning the sunbeds, the cards are returned to you until the next time). Respect to the lifeguard on the beach - he managed to give out sunbeds and return cards, and watch the swimmers (when it was stormy, he urged his parents to take the children out of the water), and make sure that outsiders did not go to the beach. On the beach there is a shower with fresh water, a toilet, a dressing room, a mirror.
When checking out, the maid clarified when you can come to take the room, no one forcibly evicted us, they gave us coffee and tea to drink. At the same time, she politely said goodbye, wishing an easy way, asked if we liked them. As you can see, we did not even hear any rudeness from the boarding house staff. Everyone is very polite and unobtrusive. Although we were not in a very good mood, because there are a lot of negative reviews about the boarding house named after him on the Internet. Korovin
If we do not decide to change the geography of rest, then we will stop at the boarding house. K. Korovin again. Recommend it for vacation

Our whole family expresses great gratitude to the administrator Laura Lyudmila Nikolaevna for the warm, cordial welcome from which our entire vacation began. We also want to thank all your team at the house of creativity for the care, work, cleanliness, order. Despite the fact that you work with a very large flow of people, and thanks to your care, we were able to have a great rest.
Many flowers, decent organization of leisure, concerts, excursions. There was a library, everything you need for a good rest. Special thanks to the staff of the canteen for delicious and varied food. Special thanks to Dr. Yuri Ivanovich for a wonderful, professional massage. House of creativity. Korovina is the pride of Gurzuf, to which you always want to return. We hope that next year we will meet again with your friendly and affable team. All the best, see you next year!
Best regards, resting rooms 18-20

There were no cockroaches or ants in the room. The food was normal - they didn’t eat up on the beach, they ate only fruits and ice cream. The staff is friendly and hardworking. Only once there was an embarrassment with a bathroom.
So there was no HORROR!!!
Personally, I want to visit there again. There is no such sea anywhere else!!! ! (I have been to many places.

Then it dawned on me! And what do I want from the service, if 80% of the vacationers in this boarding house are trade unionists who pay 10% of the total cost for a ticket! Such a service to you! And for EVERYONE! Yes, and quite probably a trifle is a small short beach with 150 wooden sunbeds seated at 450 vacationers! On which there are still plenty of "leftists" who rolled off the attendants of the head. beach. And in order to more or less squeeze onto the beach, you need to get up at five in the morning and take a seat, because by seven there is nowhere to sit or lie down! , and the fourth, fifth, and nothing changes: meager food, a clogged beach and a completely frostbitten administration! So if only a beautiful view of the sea is important to you, go there!