Basically, you can go

Written: 23 january 2012
Travel time: 15 october — 4 november 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 7.0
Rested with my daughter in October-November 2010. on a social security ticket. Basically, you can rest. The territory is excellent, the park, like a nature reserve, the variety of plantings is huge. Cleanliness, order. To the sea a little far away, but in principle, about ten minutes - how to anyone. There is a tunnel that leads to the sea, but it was closed - they said for the winter until spring. The food is ok, as long as you don't come to gain weight. Treatment - of course I would like more procedures, why go then. The staff, in principle, treats their duties normally, BUT one elderly nurse who worked in the treatment room advised me to contact a urologist - that's where it all started. The urologist is happy to try - he immediately found some problems in the male line, wrote a prescription and. . . sent me not to the pharmacy, but to the same nurse for medicines, the price of which is very considerable, and he also attributed the paid procedure to the same sister. I thought the pharmacy had these medicines - figs you had to buy in these rogues. Later, after calling home, I found out that these drugs are not even in medical catalogs, because they are some kind of Chinese dietary supplements. . Well, of course, I heard from my wife who I am and where my brains are - she is my health worker, she knows better. I, by the way, was not the only such sucker there. Accommodation at the hotel, if you can call it that, is about three points, they saved on hot water and heating, the bed was changed once and then at the request, the room has not been renovated for a long time. In principle, you can go on social security.
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