Maidan in a provincial town

06 March 2014 Travel time: with 01 February 2014 on 03 March 2014
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I want to tell you about my city after the Maidan (a second cousin from Penza asked, she asked me to tell a little about what is happening in Ukraine. How life has changed, etc. , etc. ) I don’t have information on other cities of Ukraine, I will try to illustrate in photographs changes that have taken place in my hometown. Look, observe, think for yourself. A summary of the rest (possible in Zhytomyr) - if possible, come and see what is there. Perhaps in the future you will not be able to see something (time changes and life is changing). In the meantime, it is quite possible to come to us (you just need to follow a certain set of rules of conduct in the new Ukraine):

1-do not use a lot of Russian words, especially in the evening (this annoys the self-defense units - the police are not patrolling the city now)

2-do not be afraid of loud noises and blows with sticks on shields - this is the same self-defense - they just cheer up the townsfolk.

At 3 pm it is better to stay at the hotel and not walk the streets after 22:00.

By following this simple informal code of conduct in a country that has defeated the dictatorship of a terrible tyrant, you can visit local attractions quite freely during the day. Museums are open. So come visit, dear tourists. Well, the new governor is from "freedom" - so the next steps can be assumed from the photo of this small step). We are waiting for you, dear guests!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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