The change of linen indicated in the advertisement was not carried out. I think, on request, they would replace it. The water on the beach is an estuary. Also not critical. Compensated by the small number of residents. If desired, 300 m (13 minutes of relaxed walking) and you get to a public beach with sea water. Not critical.
Bar. . Since the hotel is designed for residents to cook their own food, the prices are high (due, as I understand it, there are not so many vacationers).
Mosquitoes. Basically, these insects are not blood-sucking (just uncomfortable))) not critical...
REALLY DID NOT LIKE IT!! ! The advertisement states that the standard rooms are located in a noisy event area. As a result, under the pretext of this indication (although the check-in rules clearly indicate until 23-00 and the bar is open until 22-00), the bar employees decided to celebrate the birthday of one of the staff members until 3 am))) noisy and in a big way... In the morning they apologized, but the impression was spoiled... Therefore, when booking this type of room, ask for clarification regarding this "feature"... In general, not bad.

Of the pluses - a pretty area and not a lot of people on the beach.
Of the minuses:
Don't book "apartment with balcony". The rooms are located at the very end of the territory, behind the fence of the private sector. The stench from the toilets with a cesspool is such that you can hear it 50 meters from the building. A room with a kitchen, but there is no table and chairs in the room itself, you can eat on the veranda. Those. you are sitting and two meters away from you there is a smelly toilet and some kind of homeless shed. Right there, the bridge is right in front of the window, where every half hour a train rumbles and an endless traffic jam behind the fence in front of this bridge puffs.
The girl at the reception is a different story. We did not receive any apologies for such a number, but on the contrary, a boorish attitude. She threw us money at the counter (prepayment for the room) and said if you don’t like it, leave. No apologies. We stayed there for a day, because. I couldn't get away that day, we drove from Kyiv for 6 hours and got such a rest.
There are no umbrellas on the beach and no canopy at all. At lunch, everyone crowds around the small pool, because. there is a canopy.