VIP-sruby 2*– Reviews

Rating 7.010
based on
1 reviews
9.0 Rooms
10.0 Service
8.0 Cleanliness
V.I.P-class log cabins with an area of ​​200 sq.m., on the edge of a pine forest, in a quiet, ecologically clean place, away from city traffic jams, hustle and bustle, 25 km. from Obolon (Vyshgorodsky district, Vyshaya Dubechnya village). The log cabins are built from high-quality Transcarpathian rounded coniferous timber.More →
аватар Ann_Paliy
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 7.0
I want to share my emotions from staying in wooden log cabins in Vysshaya Dubechnya (Vyshgorod) near Kiev. My family and I love to go to nature, to the forest. Not in some city park where dogs shit. And so that for real: the needles crackled underfoot, so that there was fresh forest air. We found this place on the Internet in advance (about a month) before the May holidays. … More ▾ I want to share my emotions from staying in wooden log cabins in Vysshaya Dubechnya (Vyshgorod) near Kiev.
My family and I love to go to nature, to the forest. Not in some city park where dogs shit. And so that for real: the needles crackled underfoot, so that there was fresh forest air. We found this place on the Internet in advance (about a month) before the May holidays. A couple of days later they called to book a second house for friends - it was already taken. Conclusion: you need to do everything on time. Before the holiday, all good places are sold out quickly.
Despite the loud name Dubechnya, we did not find oaks here, only pines. But what! On the site, right next to the house, pines in two girths are huge. The houses are also just lovely, very spacious and bright. Not huts on chicken legs, which are usually found in recreation centers, but full-fledged wooden cottages for 3-4 families. Very pleased with the presence of two separate bathrooms and a kitchen. There is no stove on it, but there is a microwave, refrigerator, electric kettle. We took barbecue with us (after all, the May holidays! ), Vegetables, light snacks and have a great time (yes, there is also a barbecue near the house).
Steamed in the sauna (included in the price). The sauna is not very large, optimally - four people in one approach. Therefore, soared in two passes. The sauna is sheathed either with alder, or with some very pleasant fragrant tree. And the steam was moderately hot. Administrator Yuriy (by the way, special thanks for the positive mood and service) presented us with wonderful birch brooms as a gift.
Just a week ago, they launched a pool measuring about 3 by 8 meters, with a reverse jet, or whatever it is called, to swim against the current (see photo).
I really liked that everything was done in the same style. The houses and arbors are made of wooden round timber, the paths are made of round stumps, the fence is also wooden, and between the houses - of reeds. In general, everything is very stylish and beautiful.
I really liked that the houses are adjacent to the forest, through which you can walk for a long time. In general, if you have a couple of free days that are not enough for a long trip, then they can be usefully spent in this place.
Бассейн возле сруба в В. Дубечне

avatar khelen_home
Hello, tell me how much a 2* VIP log cabin with a sauna will cost per day, if you rent it on New Year's Eve...thank you
12 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
Representative hotels
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‹ Hotel VIP-sruby 2*

Коттеджи-срубы V.I.P-класса площадью 200 кв.м., на опушке соснового леса, в тихом, экологически чистом месте, вдали от городских пробок, шума и суеты, 25 км. от Оболони (Вышгородский район, с. Высшая Дубечня). Срубы построены из высококачественного закарпатского оцилиндрованного бруса хвойных пород.

In a hotel

Просторная светлая гостиная, кухня-студио, четыре спальни, два санузла, с душевыми кабинами, ваннами, биде. Финская сауна.
Участки вокруг срубов закрыты от постороннего глаза. Возле каждого дома есть просторная беседка и мангал.

Description of rooms

Большая гостиная, кухня-студио, четыре спальни, два санузла, с душевыми кабинами, ваннами, биде.

In the rooms

Мебель, спутниковое ТВ, плазменные телевизоры, бытовая техника, посуда, постельное белье.

The address Киевская область, Вышгородский р-н, с. Высшая Дубечня, ул.Комсомольская 37/12
Phones: +38 (066) 060 07 53
Website: VIP-sruby