Spring in "Spring"

Written: 19 april 2016
Travel time: 6 — 9 april 2016
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 6.0
I happened to get to the Vesna Hotel in Truskavets not by my own choice, but thanks to fate and the joint competition of Turpravda and Mirotel. Since recently the Vesna hotel was bought out by the owners of Mirotel, a 3-day stay in the standard room of this hotel was provided as a prize for the third place in the competition. However, despite the certain "ball" of the trip, I will try to be objective in my review.

Of the advantages of the Vesna hotel that exist today, I would note the excellent location relative to the main places for every vacationer in Truskavets - pump room No. 1 (3 minutes maximum from the hotel entrance to the pump room entrance) and the central park. By the way, if you go in the opposite direction, then pump room No. 2 will appear before you after 10 minutes of a leisurely walk.

If you are lucky and the windows of your room will face the side of the park (and this is possible for even numbers), then you will be able to enjoy the opening views and track the concentration of those thirsty for water in the vicinity of the pump room.

It should also be said about the friendliness of the staff at the reception - despite the fact that officially the settlement takes place from 12.00, we were settled almost immediately upon arrival at about 9.00, and they even gave us a choice of 3 rooms to see. I will say right away that the one we chose differed from the others only in that it had one common bed, and not two separate ones (that is, using the international classification, we chose DBL, not TWIN). The rest of the staff that we happened to encounter during our short stay, and this is the maid, and the hotel doctor, and the girls in the dining room, were also quite friendly.

Another positive thing brought from Mirotel is a computerized accounting of all your procedures and appointments.
There is a separate medical reception where you can contact for all treatment issues (some of the procedures can be visited directly at the hotel, and some, for example, water procedures, at the Med-Palace medical complex). Here you can also register for consultations and procedures, pay, store data on all the appointments made to you, etc. You will receive separate printouts indicating the names of the procedures, the place and time of their conduct, i. e. , in principle, there are no queues ( Well, or we did not find them). : )))

And another important plus for the modern vacationer is the availability of Wi-Fi in the hotel. And, I’ll tell you, yes, he was there, and yes, he worked (even on my rather old and weak Samsung).

Now about the rest. The room was small, more like a single.
In addition to the bed, there was an armchair, a TV, a refrigerator, a coffee table and a small cupboard for dishes with it (a kettle, cups, plates, cutlery. There were no glasses in this set - you see, it is not recommended for those who came for treatment to drink other drinks besides water ).

The windows and the balcony door were replaced with fiberglass (accordingly, there was no wind from anywhere and the noise from the park, albeit small, was inaudible with the windows closed). The only "but" is the lack of air conditioning, which in hot summers, and even on the sunny side, can become a problem. During our stay there was not quite a terrible heat - about + 20-22C, but we kept the window open all the time.

The bathroom is of an absolutely “Soviet” type - as my husband said, he had not seen such a shower head for a very long time. : ) However, hot water was always available, there were also mini-sets of soap-shampoo, everything worked.
Therefore, the claims are more of an aesthetic plan than a utilitarian one.

Initially, we had one set of towels and one blanket in the room (as the maid said, the room was planned for one person), but after our request, a second set of towels and a second blanket appeared. All linen, and the furnishings of the room, are clean and tidy, but it is clearly visible that they are very “tired”. Perhaps, after the reconstruction, the rooms will acquire a more European and presentable look. ; ) Moreover, construction and repair work was in full swing in the opposite wing.

Meals were three meals a day according to the "buffet" system (which can be attributed to the advantages of the hotel, since newer and more modern places of recreation prefer to work on the basis of the BB system). Given the orientation of the resort, all the dishes were quite dietary and not always tasty.
I am absolutely fine with oatmeal on the water and at home I eat it in this version, but at the hotel the taste of water in this dish clearly prevailed over the taste of oatmeal! : )) Again, cabbage in different forms and manifestations during the 3 days of our stay, we ate 3 months in advance.

Otherwise, for lunch there were two types of soups (strictly vegetarian), and for breakfast and dinner, two types of liquid cereals, plus steam cutlets, or stewed fish and chicken, several times there were fried liver and liver cutlets. To them, several side dishes from the same cereals, sometimes mashed potatoes. In addition, there is a minimum cut of cheese-sausage, one or two types of sweet buns or cookies, compote a la uzvar (again with the predominant taste of water), tea, kefir in the evening (by the way, it was very high quality - in Kyiv I I haven't seen this in a long time).

Another feature was that portioned dishes (for example, meatballs) were simply microscopic in size - you obviously don’t eat one or two, and it’s somehow inconvenient to take more. In general, a summary of nutrition - you won’t stay hungry, but you won’t get better either. Diet in its purest form; )

I can’t say much about the treatment, because for 3 days, in addition to the prescribed “Naftusya” and “Maria”, we tried only one procedure that is very fashionable today in Truskavets - ozone therapy. According to the preliminary description, it treats everything and even more, relieves fatigue, tones up, etc. An incident happened to her - that I, that my husband immediately after the procedure, was pulled into a dream! : ) Perhaps, such an effect appeared because we got to the procedure almost immediately after lunch. ; )

The rest of the treatment was not tested, although the list of the proposed is very long and can be found in detail at the medical reception.
I don’t particularly remember the prices, but a doctor’s consultation is in the region of 110-150 UAH, bathtubs are approximately in the same range, something complex is already for 200 UAH. and further. There are two accommodation options at the Vesna Hotel - "Accommodation with meals" (as we had), which includes only the initial consultation with a doctor, and there is a "Medical" package, which includes a certain set of procedures. Although the hotel staff themselves say that perhaps the first option is more logical, because then you pay extra only for the treatment that you need.

The hotel also has a cosmetology room, but again, I didn’t visit it personally, so I can’t describe it.

Summing up, I will say this - everything was quite expected, because I have an idea of ​ ​ u200bu200bthe Soviet-type sanatoriums, and an attempt to pull it up to a normal level is still only at the beginning or middle of the journey.

At the current moment, the Vesna Hotel would hardly have been chosen by me for accommodation in Truskavets (for my own money, of course), yet my tastes and habits are a bit different. Although in a year or two, after the reconstruction and the final "establishment of life", it will be possible to return to the consideration of this option. True, the prices for accommodation may already be quite different. ; )))

PS And at the end of my review, despite the shortcomings that I wrote about above, I want to once again thank Turpravda and Mirotel for the wonderful competition, and the voting participants for the votes given to me and the opportunity to hold 3 wonderful spring events in Truskavets ( in every sense) of the day. : )))
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