About food. Sarny. "Mrs. Crane"

13 November 2014 Travel time: with 21 august 2014 on 24 august 2014
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Our Kolia_oro. egor here http:// blogs. turpravda. ru / Kolia_oro. egor / 105204.html so painted the beauty of Spanish cuisine and the technique of eating lobsters codenamed "bring hooks and other instruments of torture, we will take it, reptile, with bare hands" that there is no strength to stay away. The graphomaniac itch started immediately, I think I'll write something about my beloved. About food. But I'm not talking about overseas wonders, no. I'm talking about my own, home-woven (I wonder if there is a Ukrainian synonym for this expression? ). Thanks to the beloved Greeks and their cartoon in the spring-summer-autumn managed to jump to Poland several times (ha, that's when justice prevailed: not all Fsyache scammers on the Polish Schengen abroad Shastata, here on foreign Schengen tourist regularly visited). I've been on this road a hundred times already, but this is the first time I've been to the place I want to write about (although my instigator and tripper has already been there, and more than once).

Honestly, even when I really want to eat, I do not like to be in places for "trucks". That is, if there are TIRs parked near the cafe, I don't need to go there. Well, can you imagine what a roadside cafe looks like, and not in the very center of the village? Well, in western Ukraine, but - a roadside cafe: it is usually "Gendelik", with the appropriate contingent, with such an active "chanson" from the speakers… "Mrs. Zhuravlina" is also called a roadside cafe. But that's where its resemblance to other similar institutions ends. When I was invited to dine in such a cafe, and yes, there were 2 long meters near it, and ...Well, somehow I was not very enthusiastic about this offer, but hunger, as you know, not an aunt ...The seller just laughed softly ( or as my friend says, laughed) at the corner of his mouth. Went in, sat down.

Immediately pleasantly impressed by 2 things: a living hearth and most importantly - a very nice soup music.

Not only in the sense of melody, but also in the sense of sound. According to my observations, this is one of the characteristics that distinguish a normal institution from a shaman. If the soup "does not hurt" - then the rest will grow 100%. The people, despite not yet deep lunch time, were many. Yes, most were truckers in knee-length shorts and rubber slippers. But everything is quiet and decent, no mats, no cigarette smoke. The service is just lightning fast. They didn't have time to settle down - a cute young lady in an embroidered shirt came up and offered a menu. We took a salad and green borscht and tea and coffee. While waiting for food, I slowly begin to see how the "appearance" of the institution does not correspond to the internal content, and I begin to rape the initiator of the campaign with my observations.

And I see again such a cunning smile of the "Cheshire cat" on his face, sitting opposite me.

I still do not fully understand how justified this smile is : ) When they brought the salad ...I will not hide - there was a moment of silence at the table. From the beauty of yoga and most importantly from the size. And plates and portions. Serving - as in a pretty decent restaurant (I remind you - this is a roadside "genedlik"). And the salad was called "Domino" - also as if in trend. But his taste, his appearance ...He was wonderful. So. Well, and borsch! Do you know what a real happy borsch is? ! ! I'm not very fond of all kinds of borscht soups there, but the Poles also don't have a hard time eating the "first" one, so it was necessary to have time to eat at home. I'm not lying: it was the MOST DELICIOUS green borscht of all eaten (and cooked by me too) so far. He… Well, it is impossible to describe. It must be eaten. And then all the descriptions will be useless.

Serve it with warm pita bread or bread of your choice.

When, as they say, they are full and very satisfied (they even asked the waiters who the cook was - a man or a lady, the food was so delicious), they decided to go further, my hands itched to take a picture of the restaurant at least from the street to "give guidance" "General", because there are no "memorial" signs on the outside. And so, with a camera in hand, I stand and try different angles. At this time, a man who passes by him enters the frame and is in no hurry to "release" the picture to me (here is the sync from my head): "Well, if not in time, well, go faster…" He approaches without hesitation and asks: “Why are you photographing US? ».

I, who is called "on the blue eye", without even suspecting for a second that it is the owner of "Mrs. Crane", choking tell him that oh, so delicious, so great, so liked, so I take pictures so that as they say the country knows his heroes and so on… And he says: “How are you, hurry up? Let's go, I'll show you what. " And leads me to such a side door, the office entrance. We enter the usual office space. But not so simple. Because in one of its walls there is a huge panoramic window overlooking the kitchen. That is, without taking time off from current affairs, the owner "keeps his hand on the pulse" of the chef in his magical world of pots, steaks and sea bass. Well, seeing my crazy face, he smiles and says: “Doctors often come to us from Rivne. Surgeons. So I sometimes ask them to argue about who is cleaner: in their operating room or in my kitchen. " However, both the place is great and the owner is great.

After all the excursions, handshakes, etc. , finally sat in the car and moved in the right direction. But here he runs again and shouts: "Forget, forget! ». It turned out that we safely left the card we were paying for. And the disappearance could be found in the glorious city of Lublin. So of course I wanted to hug this nice person and press her to my heart… On the way back I decided to make a "control shot". Confirm, so to speak, the correctness of the first impression. It was on the eve of Independence Day, Saturday evening. To say that there was no place to fall in the restaurant or on the terrace of the apple - to say nothing. It is clear that the place is known and loved. As we were in a hurry (there were still many kilometers to go), we decided not to invent, but just to repeat the recent experience - again salad and green borscht. The salad was different and a little less beautiful than last time. But the borsch was still good!

They noticed that the food sitting on the terrace was brought in food warmers (such special pots, under which an ordinary candle burns, so that the food stays hot all the time). I would like to emphasize once again that the owner positions his establishment as a roadside cafe. Wow! And it was very nice that the coffee was served with sugar and candy in a wrapper in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. That is, again, the Georgian host, on the eve of the national holiday, took care in advance to please his guests with such a nice accent. In short, people, if you happen to travel on the Kyiv-Kovel highway abroad, do not miss on the western outskirts of Sarny, just behind the traffic police post and almost opposite the OKKO gas station roadside restaurant under a green roof near the TIR parking lot. It's called "Mrs. Crane".

This is the rare case when the external entourage (quite worthy) still does not correspond to the received over-positive "internal" impression. After all, the food that is prepared and served in this place will leave its mark in your hearts for a long time.

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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