Around Pochaev.

26 July 2011 Travel time: with 04 July 2010 on 11 July 2010
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I have been to Pochaev twice. A very beautiful place. It is also good that there are many sights around Pochaev. For example, being here for several days, you can go on a trip every day. It is not a problem to find housing, whoever has a bigger wallet can stay in a hotel (300 UAH), you can find accommodation near the places. population (40 UAH, normal conditions, tel. households 097-997-19-46)

You can spend one day in the Lavra, Holy Spirit Skete. On a day off, there are several times more people than on weekdays. The next day, you can go towards Kremenets (an old beautiful city, Mount Bona is 400m above the city, on which the ruins of the castle stand) , further dzherelo st. In the direction of Lviv, not far from Pochaev (20 km), there is a very beautiful place Podkamen (pristine nature, a 10-meter stone in the middle of the plain, the ruins of a castle), another 20-30 km Oleskivsky castle. Also, not far from Pochaev, Dubno with its sights, Berestechko and in general in the Ternopil region there are up to 30 old castles.

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