Take your pick, but be careful!

Written: 19 january 2012
Travel time: 25 december 2011 — 14 january 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 5.0
Amenities: 6.0
I rested with my daughter for the New Year holidays, the ticket was 21 days. If not for social insurance, I would never have given 9.5 thousand for such treatment. Procedures literally have to be knocked out from the attending physicians - they prescribe several procedures a day and that's it. At any request to add procedures, a bunch of excuses, we don’t want to take risks, then you already have so many. These are four procedures per person, and then two of them every other day, and the other two are physical education and mineral water intake! The child fell ill immediately after physiotherapy exercises - they trashed us around the gym for about 10 minutes, and then they put us on the cold floor to do exercises lying down - and here is the result - the next day, half of the people refused this procedure. Characteristically, for different groups of diseases, they were all involved in the same exercises. The child had a temperature for 10 days, but the doctor, apart from Anaferon for children, apparently did not know any other medicines, it's like green stuff in the army. Already on the penultimate day, they just scheduled an examination at the diagnostic center. Tellingly, I was also prescribed a gastroscopy and ultrasound of the liver a couple of days before departure, and it is not known what was treated before. Extremely inconvenient estimated time-24.00. If the departure is the next day, you may simply be asked to vacate the room in the middle of the night, or pay 50 hryvnia per person until the morning. Even if you moved in later, no one cares. I resolved this issue only through the head physician - fortunately I turned out to be a normal man - he allowed me to spend the night with the child for free. If you decide to be treated at this resort, my advice is to rent an apartment, it’s about 40 UAH per person per day, buy a course or just the necessary procedures, it will be much cheaper and save your nerves, but you pay for what you get. Personally, they didn’t give me procedures for more than 1000 hryvnias, multiply by the number of vacationers - 500 people - you don’t need a calculator !! ! Have a nice holiday!! !
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