So dear ones who want to recover B-Gai sanatoriums be prepared that you can be robbed, you will be served by the drug users will be filled with a police officer, collide with the complete indifference of management and others?

There are terrible queues in the medical building, everyone swears, it comes to fights. This is until 20.08 then complete silence. Most have left. But despite this, the nurses greet you with a smile, I would especially like to note the good work of the rooms: 210.213, 219
But as far as food is concerned, it's really terrible. To spoil the products like that - one must be able to. We understand that the diet, but it is not possible to eat. Yes, and it would be time to make repairs in the second building, such as in the first. There are many children there. Why should they be in bad conditions. For 100 UAH 7 days of internet only in the building where you live is a bit too much.

number - sovdepiya. the faucet leaked, there was mold in the shower room on the ceiling and walls, constant dampness. beds with a spring bottom - on the day of arrival they ran around looking for chipboard boards on the floor to lay under the mattress, otherwise they would have slept on sagging nets. Her number itself didn’t go where, if it’s the 1st or 2nd building, in the 3rd building it’s dark
The food is terrible! ! I haven’t eaten such slops since the days of the Soviet school cafeteria, which is what the cafeteria actually looks like. Waitresses, colorful ladies in polyester aprons and flip-flops, of course, have not heard in their lives what service and elementary hygiene are.
Oil painting - preparation for dinner - a lady with a wheelbarrow is walking, laying out bread and with the same hand wipes the tables with a dirty black rag. Or when they put a dish for you from a wheelbarrow, which they drive out on it in a slide, so that the plates are one on top of the other and all smeared with porridge on all sides, then they will also insert your finger there during serving. The normal picture is also the following - the people have finished eating, left, the next ones come and eat up what they have not eaten in front of them - it so happened that the children licked the buns, and these buns went to the people's table!
About the quality of the dishes, this is a separate issue - to say that it is tasteless is an exaggeration, I can say one thing - nothing. We ate rarely, mostly breakfast when we first woke up, but the child did not eat anything at all! steamed oatmeal, ate sandwiches and their own sausages because food from the dining room for a diabetic child in a sanatorium for the rehabilitation of diabetic children is CONTRAINDICATED!
The procedures will be written out if you give 100-200 UAH. if you don’t let them write out the most miserable with a disgruntled face
Pluses - this is the territory of the resort area, fresh air, water, well, procedures
I can finish by saying that if you are given a ticket to improve your child’s health from social fear, you can go, but take a kettle or a slow cooker with you to cook a quick meal and do not eat in the dining room. Paying for a ticket at your own expense and paying the money that they take is just stupid! absolutely not worth it!

We ask management to express gratitude to them !!!
This building is located near the playground, we do not know the number
we walked around Mirgorod resort.
and ask the management to pay attention to the horizontal bar on the playground, which has a height of approximately 2500mm, this is the height
unacceptable for children! make it "childish" to avoid injury to children !!!! ! thanks!

The meeting with the chief physician of "Birch Guy" was stunned - you don't need to wish for more rudeness and rudeness. The room for check-in was not the one that was booked, moreover, the shower room was not cleaned, there was water on the floor, used soap, to which the maid stated that she was alone in 20 rooms.
The administration has no idea about the correct classification of rooms and calls each one at its own discretion, which confuses both tour operators and vacationers.
But the worst thing is the food, the so-called "Lux" 5 meals a day. I understand that everyone and everywhere steals, not being afraid of the Lord God, but to be so sophisticated on sick people means not to have anything sacred in the soul. If someone is not on insulin, then on such a diet, he will sit on insulin.
There were five types of vegetables in the diet of the dining room: beets - a lot, 3 times a day for 300 grams, carrots, a lot of 200 grams, cabbage, both stewed pure white and fresh - a lot, 2-3 times a day, potatoes and pumpkin . And this is from day to day. Fish only mentai, mostly fried, chopped schnitzel with a bunch of bread, from which fat flows and boiled chickens "Our Ryaba", boiled beef meat for a portion of 35 grams, purple nipples that cats do not eat.
No cucumber, no tomato, no fruit, except for apples, gave nothing, the impression is that the sanatorium is not in Ukraine, but in the North. And it's not all that delicious!
You have to give credit to the waitresses who are conscientious about their work, but what will they do if the chef and diet sister have lost their CONSCIENCE!
Many thanks to Denisenko Valentina Mikhailovna - "School of Diabetes Mellitus", a pro person, in his place, knows and loves his work.
Initial registration of those guests who booked by bank transfer, or a tour operator, is carried out at the other end of the sanatorium zone - (3 km from your building).
A good, large park area, but the scattered buildings for examinations and procedures, especially in the cold season, greatly overshadows the treatment. In general: "Welcome to Sovdepiya"!!! !