By bus to Volyn

27 June 2016 Travel time: with 17 June 2016 on 20 June 2016
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When you are numb, you can always find adventures for your life. This is zhzhzhzhzh, no wonder ....

God loves the Trinity and for the third time we decided to go to the country by bus. They were in Yaremche. They were in Odessa. Experienced various inconveniences and were satisfied with the trip, so back on the road! Now we decided to visit Lutsk and Shatsky lakes. The trip was not wild, but with the organizers directly from the city, ie without transfers. The plan is simple - we go on Friday night. In the morning, the Lubvi Tunnel, then a tour of Lutsk and a tour of the fortress. The rest of the weekend - to the lakes.

Since the company is local, it was possible to have a dialogue to clarify the schedule of the trip, but since these are the first rounds, much has not been thought out.

Although the bus is a Mercedes, it was converted from a truck. Made seats - high, feet do not reach the floor. At the top of the shelf, everyone hit her a couple of times.

Passages are incredibly narrow. Legs fit nowhere ....

Air conditioning, of course not ....did not call, of course, not Cartagena, but something nearby ...: ) It shook like an earthquake.

As a result, after a painful night, we were immediately dragged into this tunnel. We thought only of the toilet, the shower and the food. Since they arrived early, they couldn't do anything there. Even the coffee was nowhere to be sipped - the locals have not yet pulled up. And when the train left the tunnel ...uuuu ....almost irreparable happened : ). You need to grab the ribbons - tie to the achievement of dreams. We were not warned ...but I tied toilet paper, which I did not agree to use ...In general, sweaty, smelly, hungry and tired rushed to Lutsk.

Lutsk, it's something halfway to Lviv and halfway to the Jewish town. This means a mix of the usual regional center + a bit of Polish and Jewish raids.

A 4-hour excursion in the sun after moving is definitely not necessary: ​ ​ there is nothing to watch for so long.

We were dragged through the city and fried in the sun.

In the beginning - like coffee ...We were dragged by a guide in a cafe, where the food is mostly I was afraid that we would eat in other places ....aunts-bartenders as they saw us (2 full buses) were shocked. We were also shocked by the lack of food and the queue at the toilet. They drank coffee and asked the locals - where to eat? So next to the "Theatrical" ...rushed there without a group. And in reality - it is a public institution such as "2 geese" with salads, soups, snacks and other dishes. We ate like people on the terrace, without queuing ...enjoyed the toilet. Everything seemed more optimistic.

But, just give up ....for the first time in my life I did not listen to the guide ....maybe a hard time and inconvenience, maybe the heat ....and maybe just - not interesting.

My aunt is probably a teacher (and sovkovy temper + new patriotism + religious bias). This is a terrific mix for a guide - no sense of humor, only about poverty and suffering, and about brotherhood.

Nothing cognitive, one school program. Well, we did not come to study. We came to see the city, to hear fables and legends, to laugh at last. And here are some sufferings and fraternities. She tied these fraternities in general about everything she talked about ...even to the castle. How do I approach ....zhzhzhzh ....fraternity ....zhzhzhzh ....suffering ....In short, almost beat our companion - well, you can not do so ....and they saw recommended ...then there was a cool uncle in the castle - so our own dropped out to walk around the castle with him should be noted, his phone was recorded for the future, so maybe the next group will be lucky.

In general, if I had organized, I would have gone immediately (after a meal, of course) to Lubart's Castle and there I saw everything under a guide.

Then - free time in the city - a pedestrian street from the square with a monument to Lesya and the house with the Chimeras (House of the Sculptor) - Lutheran 9. By noon you can see everything yourself. By the way.

The local sculptor came out to talk to us, it was interesting. They threw themselves at him for cement.

And so after the torments of the "walk", the castle was not very received. Although really - a must visit: everything is well thought out and arranged. Very nice. Many interesting souvenirs right in the castle - for every wallet and taste. And then - immediately to the lakes!

In the end - at lunch we were free and we were told to do what you want ....we wanted to eat ....Bought pasta (sorry, pasta) their production as a souvenir. In general, they killed time. The builder said - so that later no one would say that something did not happen.

Now I know that we did not have time to go to the local Central Department Store "Lutsk", where, according to another local, Kyivans are buying : ). We learned about it the next day ....but in the local runoff, the choice and prices really pleased ...So keep this in mind - near the border and rags are not as expensive as in the centers.

We spent the night not in Lutsk, but in Kovel.

We decided - stay for the whole day! Do we need another tour with another boring guide? It's so cool here - a pine forest, some infrastructure ...a beautiful beach ...and a long small sunset in the water on clean sand (and no turbidity! ) ...But, we were so refreshed that we decided - we go to see and others Lakes! Guide - Peter in an embroidered shirt and jeans had a great tour of the lakes. They are all different and interesting. Forest - pleased with blueberries. Lucimer - with his swans and history. Sand - a sanatorium in the woods.

Then there was the Svityaz Monastery of Peter and Paul. Again, they did not warn (we did not seize scarves and money) ...but still scraped just for everyone a candle and a prayer. They began to anoint the icon of the Mother of God. It was the end of the Royal Gates (in the church in the monastic premises). We got acquainted with the life of monks (for comparison, we would not let into the territory).

The priest was just a soul-man, with a sense of humor, a good storyteller - left a wonderful impression. We did not regret that we visited this tour.

Of course, I would pay extra to spend the night not in Kovel, but somewhere near Lake Svityaz, to swim on the first and second day. Really full of boarding houses and in each house housing for rent.

And so after the tour everything was decided at the request of the driver - we sit by the lake until 9 pm to come home not at 3 am, but at 6 am.

O Svityaz!

A beautiful lake from morning till late in the evening ....We burned down ...we were already swimming in another place - a village beach, where there are no toilets, and instead - changing clothes. It's very similar to the Azure here I was told - a bullring. But, still ....We fell in love with this lake and are glad to see it memory of another magnet ...although the choice of souvenirs is great.

Of course, not a savage, there is no such freedom of movement - choose what you want to see, when and how ...

but for now, we can see the world at least, we will not be sad ...especially - the driver paid us for the inconvenience: he gave each "victim" 100 Belarusian rubles and still drove home with jokes and sayings. The whole Monday we left ...from suffocation and shaking ....and thought ....there is still a holiday ahead ....where? And not where ....and we have attractions and our own beaches ...let's digest the impression ....and there ...we'll see! Then let's see!

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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