Ros (Kievskii zavod Rele i avtomatiki) 1*– Reviews

Rating 6.010
based on
1 reviews
Wooden houses for 3-6 people in an oak forest on the banks of the river Ros.More →
аватар Feya31
 •  traveled 16 years ago
All my life (23 years) I have been resting on the basis of "Relay and Automation" (I have also been on "Kvazar") and resting my body and soul. Beautiful nature, excellent fishing, boat rental))) But the bases were built in a deep scoop. Who wants super comfort - you definitely do not go there. For whom the lack of hot water and running water in the house is not a critical problem - you will be happy with such a rest. … More ▾ All my life (23 years) I have been resting on the basis of "Relay and Automation" (I have also been on "Kvazar") and resting my body and soul. Beautiful nature, excellent fishing, boat rental))) But the bases were built in a deep scoop. Who wants super comfort - you definitely do not go there. For whom the lack of hot water and running water in the house is not a critical problem - you will be happy with such a rest. I always divide my vacation into 2 parts - Ros and the sea. Cabins are one pleasure, but foreign / travel is another. I love both : )
аватар ABoyakovskiy
 •  traveled 17 years ago
Rating 6.0
B / o Ros from the Kiev plant "Relay and Automation". Base of the period of Soviet socialism. Virtually nothing has changed since that time. A good oak forest, wooden houses, a bathhouse, one toilet for the entire base, a TV for general viewing, boat rental, a beach, water supply - about 5 taps throughout the base. … More ▾ B / o Ros from the Kiev plant "Relay and Automation". Base of the period of Soviet socialism. Virtually nothing has changed since that time. A good oak forest, wooden houses, a bathhouse, one toilet for the entire base, a TV for general viewing, boat rental, a beach, water supply - about 5 taps throughout the base. There is a minimum set of necessary utensils in the house.

avatar Andrey18
Who knows tel. relay and automation bases
14 years ago  •  1 subscriber no answers
avatar varvara26
Who knows what are the current prices for houses. We want to relax together. And is it realistic to come for 4-5 days. Thank you in advance.
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber no answers

Деревянные домики на 3-6 человек в дубовом лесу на берегу речки Рось.

Description of rooms

В домике две комнаты, веранда.Обеспечиваем холодильником. газовой плитой, посудой, постельными принадлежностями.

In the rooms

Холодильник, газовая плита, посуда, постельные принадлежности. Сауна и душ на территории базы.

The address с.Выграев Корсунь-Шевченковского района Черкасской области
Phones: +38(04735)3-0986