ruined vacation

Written: 22 august 2021
Travel time: 16 — 22 august 2021
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 2.0
Amenities: 5.0
We will never return to this hotel!! ! For good, it urgently needs to be closed for disinfection! Just arrived from this hotel today. We rested in a two-room suite with my wife and 3 children 3.8 and 12 years old. We arrived there this Monday, at first everything was fine, but by Wednesday evening the youngest had a fever and profuse vomiting, which they could not stop in any way. On Thursday, a doctor was called in, who said that this, they say, happens, but, allegedly, she probably fell ill earlier and, against the background of weakening, was poisoned by something. She advised to solder with dried fruits to remove acetone. The first call to the doctor is free, which is a plus. On Thursday, they practically didn’t leave the room, on Friday they called another doctor, another doctor came and said that it was a rotovirus, although, in principle, it was clear to me and my wife, because. all five arrived at the hotel absolutely healthy, no one even had snot. He injected an injection, because. The child's vomiting could not be stopped.
On Saturday evening, the middle daughter developed a fever and began to vomit due to the same symptoms! On Saturday, closer to 11 pm, I, a 43-year-old man, also began to profuse vomiting and diarrhea, although the stomach is such that I can "eat nails! " Fortunately, my wife had almost all the medicines, she gave me a horse dose of loperamide, levomycetin (one and a half tablets) and some kind of antiemetic (I didn’t remember, not a doctor), because. on Sunday I drive and drive 700 km. for breakfast, of course, we did not go, because. they were afraid to aggravate the poisoning. At the reception, when the room was handed over, all the problems were voiced, they listened to me carefully and apologized, although, what the hell do I need an apology for! Rest spoiled in the trash, spent 32 thousand for accommodation for 6 nights (2-room good room) + 15 thousand food and road. By the way, they ate strictly in the dining room at the hotel and on the shore in their restaurant at the hotel. At the exit: they sat in the room, the wife almost did not sleep for 3 days - she soldered the children.
By the way, while I was throwing up on Saturday night, I heard the same thing in the next room: VOKE! After I washed my face and my wife gave me pills, I went out to the balcony (3rd floor) and heard a man yelling into the phone at some medical worker downstairs near the pool, which, literally: "I'm already 40 minutes waiting for you, but my daughter is very ill and can not stop vomiting and when will you be? I will not describe the way home. Of the benefits: good territory, delicious cuisine at the restaurant on the beach at the hotel (I won’t write the name, so as not to be considered as advertising), respectful attitude towards the client, a good mini-club. Of the minuses: GENERALLY complete unsanitary conditions! I have never seen, either in the dining room or in the restaurant, that after previous customers have eaten, someone wiped and treated the tables with an antiseptic or other cleaning agents!

There is something to compare with: we were in Omar in Turkey in May with the same composition, even if someone had a drestosis attacked at least once, pah-pah. After each client, complete processing of all Tables, every half an hour in the mini-club, complete processing of the entire mini-club and toys in it. IF YOU OFFER your customers such a service, not a lot of money, by the standards of our country, DO it with high quality, and not carelessly! That's all. Conclusion: due to the slovenliness of the hotel, the rest is absolutely ruined and 47 thousand UAH. lost money.
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