A trip to Fedotov Spit in Stepok or remembered youth.

14 July 2014 Travel time: with 28 June 2014 on 07 July 2014
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This year, taking into account the forecasts of our weather forecasters, we decided to celebrate the daughter-in-law's birthday in nature. Since the difference in travel time is small (thirty minutes), we decided to celebrate in Stepka, at the same time swim in the sea. Moreover, this is a three-day holiday, it seems the Constitution Day.

The owner of the entertainment center in Styopka contacts us on business, it is called "Bay of Joy". We phoned, promised to arrange a holiday at a high level, discussed everything, and on Friday we drove to Stepok by car. Everyone left, and I had to stay late on business. In order not to drive the car, I decided to check how I can get there by transfer, it is advertised at all transport stops in Zaporozhye, an announcement about it even hangs on the door of my entrance.

Having phoned, I found out that the Mercedes-Sprinter will be carrying, the cost of the trip is 90 hryvnia one way per person. In Kirillovka or Styopka, they bring you to the desired base, which is convenient for those who carry a lot of things with them. Departure at 7-00, they agreed to pick me up practically at my house, the trip takes about 3 hours. They called back, told the bus number, payment to the driver. And I went.

For those who might find it useful -

1. Bus Tour - www. bustour. zp. ua, tel. They go back to Zaporozhye at 11-00-12-00. I think that by calling the phones, you can agree to pick up visitors from other cities in a certain place.

2. Here are the phones of another company -050-934-27-40.098-062-46-81 and in general many walls and stops in the city are decorated with such information. All cost the same.

Trips are made to Kirillovka, Berdyansk, Primorsk, Genichesk, Arabat Spit.

The car was quite new, with all stops, landings and landings to Styopka

I arrived in exactly three hours.

Some official information -

“Stepok in Kirillovka is a village at the end of the Fedotov Spit, located in a unique place in the Kirillovka resort, namely in the immediate vicinity of the famous Biryuchy Ostrov nature reserve. The proximity of the reserve makes the Stepok microdistrict a great place to relax on Azov. There is a presidential dacha in the reserve.

Here you will not see noisy roads or crowds of people. Silence and untouched by man environment - these are the main advantages of rest in Stepka. Located on the Fedotova Spit, Stepok is not without all the positive aspects of this spit - spacious sandy beaches, all kinds of entertainment and transport links. But, in turn, Stepok has its own special value - the cleanest Sea of ​ ​ u200bu200bAzov, deserted beaches and air filled with the aromas of steppe herbs and reserved plants.

The nature of this place makes it possible to truly take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, relax in complete silence to the sound of the surf, and after walking just a few hundred meters to get to the completely deserted beaches of the reserve. This is an official.

Now it's mine. Kirillovka is one of the places of rest in the Zaporozhye region on the Sea of ​ ​ Azov. Travel there 3-4 hours. The village is located between two braids - Peresyp and Fedotova Spit. The bay-bar separates the Sea of ​ ​ Azov from the Molochny estuary, Fedotov Spit - from Utlyuksky. Fedotova Spit is narrower, in some places it was overwhelmed by waves earlier during a storm. Somewhere in the middle of the Fedotova Spit, it expands, and there is the former fishing village of Stepok. This is the end of a civilized zone with bases and boarding houses, further to the reserve there are completely deserted beaches and untouched steppe forbs (clear sea, pure nature). Now Stepok is territorially attached to Kirillovka.

And while I was driving, while the driver was taking vacationers to the bases of Peresyp and Fedotka, I remembered how 35 years ago I first visited these places. There were several recreation centers on Peresyp, Fedotka was practically empty, In Styopka there were no more than ten houses, but we drove on. At the end of the spit there was a recreation center of a millionaire collective farm, which cooperated with us, and we took vouchers from them there. It was a very good base. Tame peacocks and pheasants roamed the territory, after lunch and dinner we went to feed the birds and animals (they had their own small zoo, where there were ostriches and zebras, ibexes and llamas, many swans and other waterfowl). Yes, and a herd of wild camels roamed this deserted spit. Naturally, now all this is not.

But, they meet me, we are in Styopka. Now in Styopka, in addition to the private sector, there are enough boarding houses and bases for different tastes and money. Prices start for accommodation from 60 UAH per bed, and there are boarding houses with a price per day of 200.300 and even 500 UAH. The infrastructure is developed, there are enough shops, cafes, a market where vegetables, fruits, homemade milk are bought. Prices are not higher than ours, Zaporozhye. Until the evening we are on the beach (the entertainment center "Bay of Joy", which includes a restaurant, a disco bar, and, conveniently, a children's center under the roof, where you can leave the children while you drink, is located next to the beach). There are very few people on the beach, although the weather has only just begun, because it was cool for almost a month, it didn’t look like June, and even wind and rain. The excitement of the sea is about 2 points, the water temperature is about 22 degrees. This alignment suits me, the rest of whom like it. I joke that after the restaurant they will be satisfied too.

Well, I won’t describe how the birthday went, at a high ideological and political level, both in terms of alcohol and appetizers. True, late in the evening, and I like to swim at night, no one went to the sea and I did not dare, the wind and wave increased to 3-4 points.

We settled in right away. At this “Bay” there is a small base with a very interesting name “Friendship”, you yourself understand what happens after a restaurant or a bar! Joke! In fact, part of the houses for the servants of the center, and the owner rents out part of the houses to people. Yes, here I remembered the days of my youth, those Soviet bases at factories, factories and collective farms. The room is 10-12 square meters, two or three beds are pushed in, a chiffoner-type wardrobe, an old rattling refrigerator, a table and benches on the veranda. The common kitchen is not far away, there is a common washbasin on the street, a shower on the street, it works only in the evening, fresh water is imported. Below, closer to the sea, there is a five-seat "toilet" type toilet, but at least Genoa bowls, and not a hole in the floor, and shit is washed out of the tanks somewhere. But what I note is that the base is green, clean, there are many plantings, there are trees, which is rare for Kirillovka braids (ground water is salty). For drinking, water is purified by a purification system, for the inhabitants of the base for free, for the rest - for money.

Considering that it is a long holiday, people have increased on the shore in the morning, more cars drive up, sellers of pies, seafood (shrimp, rapans, gobies, etc. ) walk along the shore. Even on the shore they offer transfers to Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog, Kharkov. You can take a picture with a monkey, ride a horse. Since the sea is very worried, there are no catamarans, scooters, other sea fun. I finish about the beach, there are sheds on the shore, cafes where you can buy beer, water, ice cream. If someone needs to eat more seriously, the gates of the boarding house "Coral Island" are open, where you can eat inexpensively in the dining room and in the "Bay of Joy" set meals for 55 UAH. Near the beach there is a guarded car park where you can leave your car. The time of these holidays passes quickly, and my son Andrey, together with my wife and daughter-in-law, begin to strongly persuade me to stay here for a week with my granddaughter, saying that they offer him a free room at this Druzhba base. I have no special desire, the World Cup is on, and somehow I like to watch it at home, and not in some big companies in a cafe, as it will be here. I remembered how I used to be like this back in Soviet times (I watched the championship at the recreation center on Fedotka). But when my granddaughter began to ask me, who reminded me that I promised to teach her to dive and swim without a circle, I gave up. I agreed that my grandmother and granddaughter would not annoy me when football was on, and we stayed for a week.

We settled in a house, a room for 3 people, three minutes to the sea. Schedule of the day - I get up around 7-00, go to the sea, swim in the sea while the women are sleeping. Then my wife prepares breakfast, after which we go to the Azov coast. Well, exactly 70-80 years. True, then there were problems with beer, but now a car is standing a little walk, cold Zhigulevskoye is for sale, the freshest, Zaporizhzhya spill. I picked up an eggplant, bought fish or something else at the market, whoever likes what, and again to the beach.

We sunbathe, we swim. More about the coast. A sandy spit runs along the beach and it turns out that you go into the water, first such a rut, small children are shoulder-deep, then climbing the spit, water is ankle-deep, and then a gentle descent to the depth. It is very convenient for children to flounder in this pothole, and there I taught my granddaughter to dive and swim. Such a mini-pool turned out.

We have lunch either at home, or, in order not to bother, we will go to the dining room of the Coral Island, there is a larger selection of dishes than at the Bay of Joy complexes. Then an afternoon siesta, the little one sleeps, then the beach again. My wife leaves earlier to cook something for dinner, we swim before 18-19 and leave. After dinner, I have football, my wife and her little one are on the playground, then they walk along the sea, there is a yacht club with yachts.

One of the entertainments is when boats with a caught bull come, fishermen work at some cannery, where they make canned “Bull in Tomatoes”. When unloading, people come running to buy a fresh bull. (5 UAH - kilogram, 10 UAH - selected for salting). They take buckets.

I already wrote, there were a week, at the beginning of the week the sea was quite agitated, but slowly the wind calms down, the wave on the sea too. The fact that there was a wind did not allow mosquitoes to roam on our skin, but we put a fumigator in the room and sprinkled the baby more in the evening for her complacency. I wore practically nothing with long sleeves even in the evening, shorts and a T-shirt at best, and swimming trunks all day long. That's the dress code there. The weather improved, it was cloudless or there were light clouds in the sky, which was not very good, it burned the skin well for a couple of days. The water in the sea warmed up to 25 degrees, clean. This is better than when my wife was in Kirillovka a couple of years ago, and the water was somewhere up to 30 degrees and there was a kill of gobies, they lay dead in layers on the shore and near the shore in the water. This also happens.

And so a week passed unnoticed, the son drove a car for us in the morning, bought a little more and in the evening left for stuffy Zaporozhye, on the way we were washed by such a downpour that oncoming cars were not visible. The tasks assigned to me by my granddaughter have been completed, it dives and swims, you can’t pull it out of the water. This is how I visited the past, the rest in Styopka reminded me of my younger years.

The conclusion is that those who cannot or do not have enough money to rest outside the borders of Ukraine can go to our Sea of ​ ​ u200bu200bAzov, it is calm there, there was only one checkpoint after Melitopol, the driver of the Sprinter checked himself in and drove on. No one stopped us in the car anywhere.

I also note that on the edge of Stepka there is a tent city where you can stop by with a tent, then kilometers of deserted beaches and steppe expanses. Fish can be caught both in the estuary and on the sea (for an amateur).

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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