About food. Kyiv. "Russian salad"

10 May 2014 Travel time: with 02 May 2014 on 02 May 2014
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Well, my usual topic is about where you can quickly and inexpensively eat. This time I investigated this issue in the capital of our country - Kyiv.

The place I visit most often for this purpose is the restaurant-bistro Olivier. Its advantages:

LOCATION. The one I was in is on St. B. Khmelnitsky. The nearest metro station is Teatralnaya. We go up along B. Khmelnitsky, we first see the inscription "Kyivproektbud" or something like that, and on the same building there is a green-white signboard "Olivier". She (the sign) is not very conspicuous, tk. located at the end of the building. The fountain in the inner courtyard of the Kyivbudproekt building (or whatever it is called there) can also serve as a reference point. I know that "Olivier" is also at the South Railway Station and on Upper Val. But, alas, they were not.

INTERIOR AND ATMOSPHERE: Apparently, the Provencal style is in trend everywhere. On the other hand, what else should an establishment with a French name look like? Always crowded. At lunchtime - just the dominance of office workers and students. But the service is very fast, there is almost never a queue at the checkout.

In general, Olivier is a very democratic institution. Many times I observed there, in addition to the above characters, and tourist groups on special services, and obviously not poor (judging by the clock) uncles discussing some of their business for food and beer.

FOOD: Coming there, for some reason I always remember how Kisa Vorobyaninov took Lisa to the kitchen factory. This is how the factory-kitchen should look like in my view. A huge hall, but since it is multi-level, it does not press. In the basement there is a second hall, much smaller (there is also a toilet). Racks with food (5-8 salads, borscht soups, meat more than 10 types, fish dishes 6-8 options, side dishes up to 10 types, dumplings, dumplings, potato pancakes, pancakes, pancakes and crepes, dietary dishes 3-5 types, separately sauces for food, beer, compote, uzvar, tea, coffee, juices, pastries, desserts). Basically, whatever your heart desires. The choice of dishes is huge, for different tastes and different wallets. You can keep within 25 UAH (salad 8.00, soup 8.50, compote 7.50, bread 1.00 UAH). Well, or speak hryvnia for 60-80-100 per person. At this point, as they say, abi pull up and as conscience allows. There is an opportunity to take food away, and people actively use it. Their website also says that there is a pasta bar - I won’t say anything, I didn’t eat it myself.

Here is how the marshal of the nobility made the order:

"Give us some sausages. . . These, twenty-five rubles each. And a bottle of vodka. . . How much do you have pickled cucumbers? Well, all right, give me two". . .

All this... cost him nine rubles twenty kopecks. ” (from)

My proletarian check was:

- sauerkraut salad (with cranberries, sweet and sour) - 8.00

- pilaf (rich meat) - 19.50

- ciabatta (fresh, crispy) 1 pc. – 1.00

- cheesecake (delicate) - 12.90

- uzvar (cool) - 5.90

Total: UAH 47.30

SUMMARY: I have never been disappointed in Olivier. I hope you enjoy it too.

Z. Y. There are no photos yet, but they will definitely be : ) This time I tried to take pictures, but before that I decided to ask permission. Menager roared that it was impossible to take pictures with them. And I, as a law-abiding citizen, did not dare to disobey. But in vain. I'll fix it : )

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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