Perlina Dnipra 4*– Reviews

Rating 8.510
based on
2 reviews
9.5 Rooms
9.5 Service
8.5 Cleanliness
9.0 Food
8.5 Amenities
Hotel on the water "Perlyna Dnepr ****+" is located on the embankment of the Dnieper River, in the historical center of Kyiv. Built in 2005. The area of ​​the hotel is 1500 m2.More →
аватар Larchy
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 9.0
I am currently living in this hotel (just arrived yesterday). I chose a hotel before the trip for a long time and carefully. I monitored the prices and the offered conditions, and the location of the hotels I was interested in. And settled on the "Perlyna Dnipro". The room and furniture are excellent, and the price is even cheaper than in the same "Kyiv", for example. … More ▾ I am currently living in this hotel (just arrived yesterday). I chose a hotel before the trip for a long time and carefully. I monitored the prices and the offered conditions, and the location of the hotels I was interested in. And settled on the "Perlyna Dnipro". The room and furniture are excellent, and the price is even cheaper than in the same "Kyiv", for example. Husband approved (as always). : )))) It took exactly 10 minutes to get to the metro yesterday, we had a little look at Podil and the Christmas tree on Kontraktova Square. Here, we had breakfast, now we will go to the center to the Maidan !! ! We were told that it was only 15 minutes of time (for the whole journey). Sunshine, snow - beautiful!
аватар mama65
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 8.0
Recently I again visited Kyiv with colleagues. This time we were accommodated in a hotel on the water "Perlyna Dnipro". Fine!! ! Well done. This small hotel makes you feel at home. The staff is attentive. The spacious rooms are warm and cozy. Everything is well thought out and comfortable. The view from the windows is amazing. … More ▾ Recently I again visited Kyiv with colleagues. This time we were accommodated in a hotel on the water "Perlyna Dnipro". Fine!! ! Well done. This small hotel makes you feel at home. The staff is attentive. The spacious rooms are warm and cozy. Everything is well thought out and comfortable. The view from the windows is amazing. When you wake up in the morning, look out the window and recharge with vital energy. Want to live. The air is clean, the river is covered with ice, the snow sparkles. How we went to the resort, although it was another business trip. Now we will stop only in "Perlyn".
The only downside is the construction nearby. But the hotel said that they would soon complete the road and it would be clean.

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Отель на воде «Перлина Днепра****+» расположен на набережной реки Днепр, в историческом центре г. Киева. Построен в 2005 г. Площадь отеля 1500 м2.

Location 42 км. от аэропорта «Борисполь», 1 км. от центра г. Киева
In a hotel

Ресторан, бар, парикмахерская, прачечная, сауна, массажный кабинет, химчистка, Интернет кафе, банкомат, 2 конференц-зала (маленький – 10 чел., большой – вмещает фуршетом до 80 человек, банкетом или конференцией - до 60 человек), прогулки по Днепру на катере или теплоходе. Охраняемая парковка.

Description of rooms

Основное 3-х этажное здание отделано в стиле пассажирского лайнера, размещает в себе 14 номеров люкс, 6 номеров полу-люкс, 10 стандартных номеров с двуспальными кроватями и 3 стандартных номера с двумя раздельными кроватями. Предусмотрены номера для курящих и не курящих.

In the rooms

Все номера гостиницы оснащены телевизором, телефоном, кондиционером, сейфом, феном, беспроводным Интернетом (Wi-Fi). Безалкогольные напитки (минеральная вода) - заполняются каждый день – бесплатно.

The address г. Киев, ул.Никольско-Слободская, 1 (возле МВЦ)
Phones: +38 (044) 229-19-19
+38 (093) 39-46-037
Website: Perlina Dnipra