Despite the fact that I came alone, I met very pleasant, excellent people older than me, and now I communicate with them, I was not bored. In many ways, the review depends on why people go !!!
Why I went, I got it! I asked for some procedures (which I wanted), received, drank water, breathed air, calmness in the forest with a book in the gazebo . . in general, everything is included !!!
Among the shortcomings: The problem with the transportation of staff, the staff arrives and leaves on the same bus, they are in a hurry and some procedures are unrealistic to do at the indicated time, they probably save. Although I had time. Well, I would like to see that all people get "everything" for which they paid. In my case, after calling in advance, I clarified the working days for May, then it turned out, in my opinion, that the staff still has holidays and one more day they even made a short one, so that the procedures were done without interruption, all at a gallop, after the bath I didn’t even have time to dry. And even this could not affect my impression, in my opinion I succeeded, and I think I will still come....
Read more: http://www.stejka.com/rus/4erkasskaja/4erkassy/sanatoriy/sanatoriy_mownogore/? allcomment=1#comment

Category No. 1. Youth under 20! What young people need is excellent food, a disco every day, a cinema near the disco, a gym, a forest for walking, new acquaintances.
Category number 2. Adults from 30 years old! What do mature individuals who have work and nerves on the edge need! The sanatorium has spa treatments, a forest, the fresh air of which is able to pierce the voice (for singers, such a place of rest is just right, attentive doctors and also very punctual, you can go jogging through the forest where there are a lot of hazelnuts, there is a river Dnepr 10 nearby 10 -15 minutes walk. On arrival and departure from the sanatorium, even a solemn table was laid for adults at the expense of the sanatorium, rations in the form of small jars of honey and ascorbinacs and kefir can be taken to the rooms ...
And I still remember the sanatorium took us by bus on an excursion to significant places.
Previously, the medel in the rooms was standard Kerenskaya, now I see there is freedom of choice. You can take a deluxe room with all amenities. This is very pleasing!
Twice I was on the ball from the school, now God forbid there will be peace in our country and again I will go with my wife, at my own expense, to this wonderful place. The main thing for us is to heal and not to ruin our health at sea, where there are only bars and restaurants.
If you are between 17 and 45 years old and you are cheerful in life, this resort is definitely the perfect place for a happy holiday. I definitely got peace of mind, more than 20 years have passed, but they still remember those wonderful days! Especially the bubble bath treatment, as if you were being massaged by thousands of little fingers. And of course the disco - joy and fitness in one action! )))