Sanatorii Neftekhimik Ukrainy 2*– Reviews

Rating 3.810
based on
6 reviews
№29 in the hotel rating Berdyansk
3.0 Rooms
3.0 Service
3.5 Cleanliness
3.0 Food
3.8 Amenities
Sanatorium "Neftekhimik Ukrainy" is located in the protected area of ​​the Berdyansk Spit on the shores of the open Sea of ​​Azov, where all conditions for recreation and recovery are created. The combination of a light sea breeze with the aroma of the steppes, natural sulphide-silt mud, air saturated with ions of iodine, bromine, warm sea, sandy beaches contribute to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the genitourinary system in men and women, the gastrointestinal tract, and the cardiovascular system. and respiratory systems.More →
аватар kharkovkristina
 •  traveled 6 years ago
Rating 3.0
We rested with a family of 2 adults and 2 children (10 years old and 7 years old) from 06/30/2019 to 07/07/2019. Last year we rested on the same dates, but the price was two times lower... Last year I didn’t like the food , so this year, based on the pricing policy of the administration of the recreation center, it seemed to us that there would be some changes. … More ▾ We rested with a family of 2 adults and 2 children (10 years old and 7 years old) from 06/30/2019 to 07/07/2019. Last year we rested on the same dates, but the price was two times lower... Last year I didn’t like the food , so this year, based on the pricing policy of the administration of the recreation center, it seemed to us that there would be some changes....So, a nice woman Administrator, clean room, neat little area, sea 50m, dining room 50m. Price: 2400 for a clean, simple room + 350 for each person for meals (they position themselves as a buffet) = 3800 UAH per day. They let you into the dining room clearly on time: 9/13/18. If you come 10 minutes late, then you will not see half of the menu, IT IS OVER!!!?? ? The food is monotonous, every day semi-finished products. I demanded a menu approved by the nurse, as they claim they are a sanatorium, to which I heard an offer to come to the dining room 10 minutes earlier (exclusively for us; we refused). Everything would be fine, but you yourself are doing everything to ensure that people rake in full plates, then it won’t be !!!!!!! ! Hungry waitresses (one of the shifts) eat with us, "on the go", licking their fingers and discussing the guests... Last year there was a screening of films for children in an ugly cinema hall, and this was an unaffordable luxury this year. They took the children to Slavutych. This year there are stones in the sea!! ! I can't recommend a stay at Neftekhimik to anyone!!!! !
аватар Oksik2
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 3.0
We arrived at the hotel after 13:00, i. e. the staff had time to clean the room... but it turns out that this is not accepted here. Just scattered four sets of bedding and all. The room was filthy, I had to clean it myself. We got to the dining room number 1 - it's just horror: the dishes are dirty, with leftover food from the previous meal, not very pleasant staff. … More ▾ We arrived at the hotel after 13:00, i. e. the staff had time to clean the room... but it turns out that this is not accepted here. Just scattered four sets of bedding and all. The room was filthy, I had to clean it myself. We got to the dining room number 1 - it's just horror: the dishes are dirty, with leftover food from the previous meal, not very pleasant staff. It feels like a canteen for livestock (according to the staff) Cooking is not very good, but the main thing is a lot of food, at least eat in basins ((I do not recommend !!!! ! The beach is also not very equipped for recreation (
аватар yurfirma
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 1.0
Since 2016 Everything has changed for the worse: the food is terrible, the dishes are dirty, the portions are tiny, sausages are 2nd grade (plastic) - every day, salads are last year's beet, carrots, rotten bananas and apples, boorish behavior of the staff, the suite does not even pull on the standard! !! And the price is space! At the same time, there is no beach (it was simply washed away) 1 m wide, the sea is cold and dirty, and the wind 12-15m / s - howls like a beast for a whole day and has been like this since May 23! ((( P. … More ▾ Since 2016 Everything has changed for the worse: the food is terrible, the dishes are dirty, the portions are tiny, sausages are 2nd grade (plastic) - every day, salads are last year's beet, carrots, rotten bananas and apples, boorish behavior of the staff, the suite does not even pull on the standard! !! And the price is space! At the same time, there is no beach (it was simply washed away) 1 m wide, the sea is cold and dirty, and the wind 12-15m / s - howls like a beast for a whole day and has been like this since May 23! (((
P. S. At the same time, construction is underway, diesel cranes and tractors are working right under the windows, builders and the staff of the sanatorium are fed at the expense of vacationers! (((
Отель, центральный корпус строители трактор всё ужасно воняет Дизелем Экскаваторы гребли землю фото 29.05.18 прямо под окнами кучи земли , пыли, вонь дизельных моторов Территорию никто не убирает - песок прямо на плитке((( Грязь на пляже((( Территория не убирается(((
аватар id240134873
 •  traveled 8 years ago
Rating 2.0
It is better to go to the private sector, it will be cheaper and the rest will be more pleasant. Here, everything rests solely on the hypocrisy of the medical staff. Everything is soaked in them. The management part of the staff is seen tired of the sick and the monotony of work. Of the positives - only water in the sea. … More ▾ It is better to go to the private sector, it will be cheaper and the rest will be more pleasant. Here, everything rests solely on the hypocrisy of the medical staff. Everything is soaked in them. The management part of the staff is seen tired of the sick and the monotony of work. Of the positives - only water in the sea. Apparently it's time to change the melancholic leadership... I think there is no more sensible way out?
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 5.0
a petrochemist rested in a sanatorium from September 10 to 27, he got to a doctor who was completely unfamiliar with the diagnosis indicated (in the sanatorium-resort card), the doctor had to explain why he was sick and what appointments were needed. tasty but the portions are very small, I had to look for complementary foods, it’s good that I took money with a margin for the maids, there are no complaints and the bed linen was changed on time and the rooms were cleaned properly in the treatment rooms the staff is friendly and attentive overall impression is 3 balls but as for a budget holiday, you can go. … More ▾ a petrochemist rested in a sanatorium from September 10 to 27, he got to a doctor who was completely unfamiliar with the diagnosis indicated (in the sanatorium-resort card), the doctor had to explain why he was sick and what appointments were needed. tasty but the portions are very small, I had to look for complementary foods, it’s good that I took money with a margin for the maids, there are no complaints and the bed linen was changed on time and the rooms were cleaned properly in the treatment rooms the staff is friendly and attentive overall impression is 3 balls but as for a budget holiday, you can go
Review from —
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 9.0
Very good resort has an entertainment program delicious food! … More ▾ Very good resort has an entertainment program delicious food!
Review from —
It's not the first time I go there with my family. The rooms are comfortable: shower, round the clock hot water, TV. The last time I was on my own was in October. I also liked it: I walked along the sea coast. The sanatorium has billiards, sauna. They fed normally. Healed my heart. It stopped hurting. I plan to go there again this summer with my family and children. … More ▾ It's not the first time I go there with my family. The rooms are comfortable: shower, round the clock hot water, TV. The last time I was on my own was in October. I also liked it: I walked along the sea coast. The sanatorium has billiards, sauna. They fed normally. Healed my heart. It stopped hurting. I plan to go there again this summer with my family and children.
Review from —

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‹ Hotel Sanatorii Neftekhimik Ukrainy 2*
Zoo Safari
Rating 7.0
Ukraine, Berdyansk
Entertainment, Nature

Санаторий «Нефтехимик Украины» расположен в заповедной зоне Бердянской косы на берегу открытого Азовского моря, где созданы все условия для отдыха и оздоровления. Сочетание легкого морского бриза с ароматом степей, природная сульфидно-иловая грязь, воздух, насыщенный ионами йода, брома, теплое море, песчаные пляжи способствуют профилактике заболеваний опорно-двигательного аппарата, мочеполовой системы у мужчин и женщин, желудочно-кишечного тракта, сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем.

Location Расстояние от отеля до железнодорожного вокзала Бердянска составляет 18,7 км, а до аэропорта Запорожья – 214 км.
  • 1st line
  • sand beach
In a hotel

Расстояние между лечебным, жилыми корпусами, столовой и берегом моря не превышает 50 метров, что позволяет не тратить время на длительные переходы для пациентов с ограниченными физическими возможностями.

Медицинский комплекс: отделения грязелечения, водолечения, физиотерапии, лечебной физкультуры, кабинеты массажа.

  • cafe/bar
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • parking
For kids
  • playground
Entertainment and sports Киноконцертный зал, компьютерный клуб, теннисный зал.
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • billiards
  • table tennis
  • gym
Description of rooms

Комлекс предлагает комфортабельные номера: Люкс и Полулюкс.

In the rooms

Кровать, прикроватные тумбочки, ванная комната, холодильник, телевизор, кондиционер, стол, стул, шкаф/вешалка для одежды, отопление.

The address 71100, Украина, Запорожская область, г. Бердянск, ул. Макарова, 71
Phones: Администрация: +38 (06153) 9-22-74 Отдел маркетинга: +38 (050) 322-32-80, +38 (097) 022-25-55
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. У отеля песчаный пляж.
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в бильярд, настольный теннис. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детской площадкой с горкой и качелями.